Example sentences of "[verb] going [det] " in BNC.

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1 Believe me , starting 's the easy part — it 's keeping going that 's hard .
2 No but you 've got like , you get loads and loads of phlegm in your mouth , and then it starts going all acid and you go
3 Imagine going all the way to Inverness for a pint of milk …
4 I do n't fancy going all the way out there anyway .
5 Well it 's you do n't like going that district do you ?
6 There is evidence for some geological activity on Venus , and though it is unlikely that Plate Tectonics ever got going this conclusion is not yet beyond doubt .
7 and chit chat gets going some where else
8 It does n't matter how wet you may be , or how much lube you use , by the time you get going most of the moisture has gone .
9 He has to keep going all the time — to and fro about the world and walking up and down in it .
10 ‘ That 's when people take multiple doses to try to keep going all night . ’
11 They kept going all day and most of the night , passing the cathedral city of Melchester and reaching open land .
12 Even Boscawen , however , had to withdraw to refit and revictual and thanks to Byng 's blundering , which had robbed England of Minorca , that meant going all the way to Gibraltar , which he reached on 3 August .
13 ‘ Why bother going all the way to Paris to do it ? ’
14 Carole King , the sharpest female lyricist of all time , ponders going all the way and whether her lover would still respect her in the morning .
15 being busy she says you 're still being kept going all the time and they were streaming in you know .
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