Example sentences of "[verb] even a " in BNC.

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1 According to the convention , Barker himself does n't include even a postcard to Wright in his own posthumous collection , Street Ballads ( Faber , £4.99 ) , addressing instead the shades of Yeats , Kavanagh , Tennyson , Shakespeare and Catullus .
2 At first glance the easiest solution to the difficulty which the eager candidates for the collectorship had created would appear to have been to take the advice which was being so strongly urged , and install Craigbarnet to share the office with Kirkton , for Craigbarnet would certainly have been willing to accept even a small fraction of the emoluments in his desperate need .
3 These olives — their trunks warped , gouged , carbuncled , abrasive to the touch — seem indestructible , as if they could survive even a nuclear winter .
4 The costs of employing even a shared nanny , however , should be thoroughly investigated beforehand .
5 For surely it can never be accepted by any normal thinking person that the bloody battles and massacres that have been necessary to establish even a tentative hold on any part of that unhappy , and anything but ‘ holy ’ , land can possibly represent a successful implementation of that promise .
6 If the timing were tight he might not need even an hour .
7 Besides which , there are some artists whom it is a pleasure to know even a little better from their letters .
8 The program is so well designed even a child could look up all the information needed , not only on how to plant a tree in the garden , but on which type , shape , name etc .
9 Wilko has yet to find even a place on the bench for either of his two big-money summer buys .
10 This error is common enough in the literature , but it is disturbing here to find even a hint of support for such thinking .
11 He showed some nepotistic , or rather patrimonial skill in getting his sons placed in the public service ; his failure to have amassed even a modest competence of wealth may be taken to argue either extreme probity or reckless extravagance , but more likely arose from having over-extended his credit in trying to send supplies to Ireland back in 1642 .
12 America seems critical of just about everything Japanese : its persistent trade surplus , its reluctance to liberalise rice imports , its failure so far to provide even a token force in the Gulf .
13 Attempts to provide even a general set of labels for the principal functions of language have resulted in vague , and often confusing , terminology .
14 However , certain topics cut across these various disciplines and frequently it is necessary to cover them extensively to provide even an appreciation of the topic .
15 A wooden Windsor chair , with a hard cushion , was provided for her when she was allowed to rest , which was n't often , given the quantity of work which keeping even a small house clean necessitated .
16 This will withstand even a determined attack , as the plastic film will hold even when the glass is cracked .
17 For the next few days Shelley did n't catch even a glimpse of her chief .
18 In contrast , it took me months and umpteen phone calls to obtain even a brochure from a well-known American vintage manufacturer .
19 I could lean forward till my head was between my metatarsals and they 'd still need a zoom lens to catch even a hint of Page 3 .
20 The only exception to this is where a child is incapable of understanding even a simple explanation of the grounds because it may be too young , or suffer from mental handicap .
21 By contrast , neither Mr Bush 's alleged lover nor any disaffected ‘ friends ’ have dropped even a hint to substantiate the charges .
22 It has been argued that it is wrong for such a body to impose even a limited check on the activities of an elected Government .
23 Which begins with a disclaimer , denying even a grain of professional jealousy .
24 The kings shook their heads sadly saying that they could not wait even a moment longer .
25 Our existence would lack even an Adamic fig leaf of meaning if we ignored our capacity to glide over our past , coalescing and juxtaposing our memories , irrespective of their temporal spatial or circumstantial labels .
26 We take it to extremes and wilfully avoid anything which has even a faint tinge of the ‘ essential ’ viewing of any tourist with cultural pretensions .
27 To offer an explanation of this view doubtless seemed unnecessary , for it must be obvious to anyone who has even a rudimentary grasp of the exigencies of electoral campaigning .
28 They are alleged to send the ball further but I 'm not sure that they put even a yard on a shot .
29 However , another year I shall not grow even a low line of peas along the south border .
30 So we see the difficulties of defining even a recent period of earth history , and the protagonists of the varied viewpoints would probably ( if it mattered at all ) argue just as fiercely as stratigraphers over the boundaries .
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