Example sentences of "[verb] like [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I know they 're very clever , it must be wonderful to be able to write like Alan Sillitoe .
2 Shaped and polished , they would wink like jewels .
3 Christine glared at her , the eyes smouldering like emeralds .
4 United responded like champions and laid seige to the Chelsea goal for the remainder of the game .
5 Thyer , owned like Miznah by by Maktoum Al Maktoum , tackles the Fielden Stakes on Thursday as a build-up to a Kentucky Derby clash with Arazi .
6 French-trained Lashkari , owned like Shernazar by the Aga Khan , had won the inaugural running of the Turf in 1984 but had not seemed at his best in 1985 .
7 L. Lives Like Logs of Driftwood : This wants to be a long , very well written story .
8 Six tracks are taken from that debut album , six tracks that splinter and splutter , Andy Gill 's guitar , wired and nervy — Steve Albini 's copy of this record must be well worn — exploding like shrapnel amongst Jon King 's rantings .
9 Six tracks are taken from that debut album , six tracks that splinter and splutter , Andy Gill 's guitar , wired and nervy — Steve Albini 's copy of this record must be well worn — exploding like shrapnel amongst Jon King 's rantings .
10 I said that they must n't be sad because he had , after all , crammed so much into his short life , that his parties had given enormous pleasure to so many people , that Conor was the sort of person Jack Kerouac might have loved , he was one of the ones who are mad to live , desirous of everything at the same time , ‘ the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing , but burn , burn , burn , like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars ’ .
11 It is only through feminist psychology 's attention to work like Ladner 's Afrocentric sociology , that it comes to consider specific features of black girls ' socialization in their families and communities ( Williams 1979 ) .
12 Where 's the incentive to work like hell on Friday , when you reached cut-off the day before ?
13 You want us to work like dogs
14 You start to work like clockwork , doing it all automatically .
15 The sound of his name seemed to work like magic .
16 ‘ I have to live next to you and it stinks like fuck ! ’
17 The blue grey mud banks glittered where wet from the tide , but lay dry and cracked like acres of crazy paving above the high water mark .
18 Their footsteps suddenly cracked like pistol shots as the carpet was replaced by plastic tiles .
19 Irrigation ditches , cracked like parchment , ran through the lanes .
20 When one kneels on the seat I see heels cracked like earth and , on some , toes that seem almost to be growing together like tubers .
21 There is no escape from it — that Damocles sword of a war on the first day of which all the chartered covenants of princes will be scattered like chaff : a race war which will subject the whole of Europe to devastation by fifteen or twenty million , and which is not raging already because even the strongest of the great military states shrinks before the absolute incalculability of its final result .
22 Polished linoleum , a shining , glass sea , with rugs scattered like islands .
23 Against that background , we have the lavish life of the Prince Regent , whose bills are scattered like confetti throughout the exhibition ! ’
24 Out on the ramp beneath the lights and the arrows of rain and the madhouse tannoy squawking links and rechts : fathers , mothers , children , the old , scattered like leaves in the wind .
25 You will find the speeches scattered like jewels throughout the text , but it is perhaps as well to keep to the simpler ones for your audition piece — those where Romeo and Juliet are directly enthralled by love and the declaration of love to another person .
26 That scattered like twigs
27 The wheels soon graunched against a broken stone wall , and a worry of goats scattered like demons in the dark .
28 ‘ You could be in this coffin , your mother could be heartbroken and devastated like Damien 's mother at this time .
29 He 's so eager to learn he almost quivers like Shep there , he repeats everything over and over again , as if he 's learning it off by heart . ’
30 This pastime attracted such an enthusiastic following that several of the better equipped European brothels provided chambers decorated like railway carriages which shuddered and vibrated mechanically when they were occupied , as well as resounding with chugging and whistling sound effects .
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