Example sentences of "[verb] so for " in BNC.

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1 They did not remain so for long .
2 He is stable and , all being well , will remain so for some considerable period of time.5 The motive for turning off the ventilator in this situation may be evil , or it may be good , as , for example , in the case of involuntary euthanasia intended to bring about an end to misery and suffering .
3 But it may not remain so for long , for there are already plans to develop a recreational complex on the island and to install a much-needed sewage treatment plant .
4 Few of us would be happy with a bank whose statements read ‘ Your account is in credit but will not remain so for much longer . ’
5 ‘ Should n't think so for a minute , knowing him . ’
6 ‘ I should n't think so for a moment , ’ said Rufus , whose speech grew more precise when he was drunk .
7 ‘ I should n't think so for a moment . ’
8 ‘ I should n't think so for one minute but I do n't know for certain . ’
9 I should n't think so for a minute darling .
10 And did the fourth consecutive Tory victory imply that Her Majesty 's loyal Opposition was destined to remain so for the foreseeable future ?
11 ‘ The real singer of that name was indisposed , and was likely to remain so for some time .
12 ‘ Cider is a good area at the moment , ’ says co-author Philip Shaw , ‘ and is likely to remain so for some time .
13 The precise circumstances of the birth of the Universe , perhaps some 15 billion years ago , are still a mystery — and are likely to remain so for many years .
14 Nevertheless the dollar was the principal reserve asset , and was likely to remain so for as long as the rest of the world accepted dollars and the monetary authorities of individual countries did not exert their option of exchanging dollars for gold .
15 Perhaps the best known version is Shakespeare 's seven ages of man which is a poetic statement of what had already been received wisdom for centuries and was to remain so for centuries to come .
16 If we aggregate together everyone in that ‘ dependent ’ age group , i.e. , those below the age of 16 and above pensionable ages remembering the heaviest demands on services are made at each end of the age range , the percentage of dependants to total UK population has indeed remained remarkably stable throughout this century — 30 per cent in 1901 , 36 per cent in 1951 , 41 per cent in 1977 — and it is likely to remain so for the remainder of the century ; it is projected to be 40 per cent in 2001 ( Grundy , 1986 , p. 21 ; table 5.4 ) .
17 It concluded that the Simonian concept of state medicine was far in advance of public opinion and was likely to remain so for some time to come .
18 With their creation , the institutional pattern is settled and seems likely to remain so for some years to come .
19 Yet affairs which , perhaps , appeared to be progressing well enough were not to remain so for many more years .
20 I mean these two are equivalent cos our rules say so for multiplying the indices .
21 I hope so for his sake .
22 Strange as it seems , I believe that she had not done so for many years .
23 They had done so for the last forty-five years .
24 They had done so for the last forty-five years
25 He claimed later that he had done so for the reason that a few months earlier he had sold a stallion to Dunlop which had died within a few weeks and that his motive had been to recompense Dunlop for his loss .
26 Among the landed classes men expected to marry young ( by our standards ) in the Middle Ages and women younger ; and probably had done so for centuries before our period opens .
27 Those who made the journey to London might have done so for a variety of reasons .
28 That night the BBC ran the obituary twice — the first time they had ever done so for anyone , and the first television obituary to consist of a filmed interview with the deceased .
29 I have done so for the last seven or eight weeks . ’
30 He coveted the throne and had done so for a long time .
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