Example sentences of "[verb] as they " in BNC.

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1 Gordon Harris ( of Wragge & Co ) leads the seminar on Music in the Film and Television Industries when the current issues for independent producers , broadcasters and music companies will be addressed as they relate to copyright , clearances , liaison with PRS , MCPS , record companies and the musicians union .
2 At a very early stage the apostle Paul was confronted by opposed parties , the one contending that the freedom of the Spirit so emancipated them from social convention that they could act as they pleased , especially in sexual indulgence , the other with more plausibility holding that the life of the Spirit required renunciation of marriage .
3 Anthropologists , following Evans-Pritchard 's lead , have reacted against this way of seeing primitive , or non-literate , peoples , and maintained that they do not act as they do for the same reasons that neurotics act in Western society .
4 Both O'Flaherty and Sherington were severely wounded as they got into the warehouse , but with grim determination they staggered clear , leaving a few equally determined Germans in an inner room of the building .
5 The story of victims number 37,38 and 39 was : ‘ In an apparent ambush , a gang member , fourteen , is killed and two others are wounded as they stand at a bus stop . ’
6 Some students with pre-RAF flight training can skip a level and go directly to the Tucano , leaping as they do so into a world far distant from general aviation .
7 In addition , the clergy appear to have considerable difficulty in recognizing the transformation which theoretical positions on Christian belief and morality undergo as they are concretized in historical human relationships , doubtless also because of the strong essentialist bias in their perception of socio-ethical issues .
8 Pilots should be encouraged to make an assessment during the final turn of how much airbrake they will need as they start to straighten up for the final approach , instead of waiting until the turn is completed at which point it is already too late .
9 This trait is not restricted to one variety of style , for we can observe it both in passage [ 3 ] ( " though ( of course ) an undeniably fine infant " ; remorseless twins they are for striding through their human forests , notching as they go " ) ; and in passage [ 7 ] ( " as is not unusual in men of transparent simplicity " ) .
10 The chimes of bells which stood in every district of the city were being rung as they sat down — both because the ringers had been amply bribed and because they thought it politic to honour Artai and his chief supporter — and a small orchestra of trumpets and tambours had been hired by a steward and was accommodated in the yard , so that Burun 's speech of welcome to his guests , as well as their affable replies , were conducted with much opening and shutting of mouths and a deal of dumb show .
11 Representing as they have done the interests of a high-seas trading nation ( Britain still exports more per head of population than does Japan ) , British post-war leaders of all political persuasions , from Nye Bevan to Margaret Thatcher , have largely based their economic policies on the need to expand trade .
12 They were still laughing as they stepped down into the hold .
13 They 're talking and laughing as they work .
14 He and Tommy , drunk , laughing as they offer the body a glass of cider .
15 As always , his knack of disarming was successful , and she was even laughing as they went into the foyer of the Tudor Queen where Sam and Anna awaited them .
16 She could see a couple of the other models standing near the buffet table , laughing as they accepted glasses of champagne from attentive gentlemen .
17 A woman was singing popular songs , and the holidaymakers were drinking and laughing as they ate their steaks .
18 Her spirits rose as they left the ugliness of London behind .
19 Much of this written work can be done alone , but some of it is best achieved in collaboration ; it might be that the purpose of the drama is to work together to produce documents , for example : The letters written by the sailors on the Mary Rose as they left port ( had they been able to write ) .
20 Mistress Philippa rose as they entered .
21 He added : ‘ The IRA , for too long , has been able to conceal its real sectarianism but recently the mask has begun to slip as they become more desperate for political success . ’
22 In the next 20 years the NHS did not escape criticism from academic Fabians but it never reached the volume and intensity of the criticism which , for example , social security and income maintenance attracted as they appeared to retreat further and further away from the principles of the Beveridge Report .
23 No one would call our battered brown book boxes decorative but when the PLANTS appear as they always do that morning of the year , their beauty and colour irradiate all around them .
24 ‘ What makes Worsdale 's work so interesting to you ? ’ he wanted to know as they walked through the gallery , passing among the tourists and the students and the other visitors .
25 He maintains that group members will soon accept the non-criminal character of this new member of their group , and they will behave as they do when he is not among them ( Polsky 1967 ) .
26 Likewise , in certain regular grammatical re-formulations the parts of an idiom may behave as they would in a transparent expression : thus we have a leg-pull , formed on the same pattern as hand-shake .
27 ‘ I expect those two young men will behave as they ought , ’ said Helen .
28 After losing seven goals in two games , Thistle were as resolutely organised as they had previously been chaotically lax .
29 ‘ I suppose , ’ she ventured as they neared Water Gypsy , ‘ you 'll have to go back to the beechwoods this morning .
30 It interknits with that world of chances and mischances , improbable or absurd or grotesque or just neutrally happening as they do happen , which we meet everywhere in later Dostoevsky and specially in The Possessed .
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