Example sentences of "[verb] this [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , I met this really lovely bloke on the bus last week .
2 I would caution care in buying though , and can not stress this strongly enough .
3 ‘ Paul , I do n't know if you have realised this yet , but I am not the understudy to the part of the father .
4 Whatever people say to him in confidence and whatever they may say in twos or threes , if he had been here when the issue was raised on the Floor of the House only a week or so ago he would have realised — indeed he was here so he should have realised this instantly — that the leaders of the groups might come to an —
5 It was not just her station in life which precluded choice but life itself and she felt foolish not to have realised this long ago .
6 Let's think this through .
7 She could still hear the faint murmurs of Tom Russell and his sister talking on the veranda , and it distracted her from the real purpose of this time alone , which was not to go on reliving that moment when his hand had covered her own , but to obediently follow his suggestion of giving herself time to fully think this through .
8 ( Computer enthusiasts may think this unduly slow .
9 Well do you think this really impress er Lisa ?
10 But as I have said earlier , I do not think this necessarily precludes a difference in the procedures which are appropriate on the one hand where it is necessary to explain to the driver his right to claim a replacement specimen taken under section 7(4) and what the exercise of that right involves and , on the other hand , where the driver is obliged , subject to any rights of objection , to provide the specimen the constable requires .
11 What do you think this actually involves ?
12 I actually I I intend to believe you actually have been sent by the Jehovah 's Witness to defend the indefensible , it 's a kind of like a and I I y'know , I 'm I 'm sorry but I do n't really think this actually deserves that .
13 Forward , the ILP paper , which was not unsympathetic to women 's causes , including suffrage , nevertheless commented sternly : We do n't think this quite satisfactory .
14 That 's green Ant , what do you think this maybe be , green ?
15 For some days he had been mulling this over , trying to come up with something more interesting than Wyvis Hall .
16 A very impressive range of innovative features certainly refresh this otherwise flat game .
17 If we round this off to a new
18 If we round this off to a new
19 Brian Watts , managing director of B. E. Services , the in-house caterer at the Bank of England , pays chefs between £8,000 and £17,000 per year , but the financial benefits of the bank 's employee package ( cheap mortgages and pensions , etc ) , bring this up to considerably more in real terms .
20 Its own fund-raising activities bring this up to around £200,000 per annum , a figure now insufficient to cover its present needs .
21 I 've wondered whether we ought to separate but every time I bring this up , he cries and then worries about the 50 per cent of ‘ his ’ assets I 'll take with me if I do decide to go !
22 The re the reason I bring this up , the reason I bring this up , you 've supported that in the past you know , they 've said , those in the you would agree with that , so the reason I bring this up is that if you we start off by offering a full service across the whole week .
23 The re the reason I bring this up , the reason I bring this up , you 've supported that in the past you know , they 've said , those in the you would agree with that , so the reason I bring this up is that if you we start off by offering a full service across the whole week .
24 The re the reason I bring this up , the reason I bring this up , you 've supported that in the past you know , they 've said , those in the you would agree with that , so the reason I bring this up is that if you we start off by offering a full service across the whole week .
25 I always thought you bring this over for breakfast
26 The problem is to discover the procedures by which high-level units bring this about .
27 Bring this down so we can listen to this .
28 So bring this down
29 Then complete the inspection voucher and bring this along with you to the Safety Centre .
30 And you 've got to try and relate this back to the areas as we have now as we now understand them .
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