Example sentences of "[verb] are in " in BNC.

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1 But then I , I , it 's unfortunate that you had your first I mean someone who had no experience of headmastership , head , head teachers , I mean all the head teachers I should think are in financial problems this year cos it 's really there first full year
2 Nearly half of those registered are in the jobs market for the first time .
3 The seller should of course resist such warranties because of their vagueness , and insist that , if he is to give such a warranty , the purpose should be clearly specified in the contract , with sufficient detail to enable him to be sure that the goods that he supplies are in fact suitable for that purpose .
4 Because the calories consumed are in the form of particularly bulky , filling and satisfying food your appetite will not be sharpened nor your willpower lowered by actual physical hunger .
5 Three of the people listed are in Exeter .
6 Tagalog concepts are directly relevant to the present discussion because the Buid with whom I lived are in daily contact with Tagalog speaking immigrants from neighbouring islands .
7 that er , we applied for test of proportionality , the minimum necessary , my Lord this is a , your Lordship 's focus on admission rules which of course different to what we 're concerned with here , admission to the market , erm , and it , it is the minimum necessary to ensure that all those who should be in the market and are capable of competing are in the market .
8 If we accept that we can not prevent science and technology from changing our world , we can at least try to ensure that the changes they make are in the right directions .
9 ‘ You do n't have to tell me , ’ Gaily said , ‘ that all the clothes either of us has are in the bag or on our backs . ’
10 The Tories are , wisely , keeping their boy away from most of the rough stuff — rightly recognising that such strengths as he has are in his niceness — but he has to look like he wants to win sometimes .
11 It is your responsibility to ensure that you and those for whom you are booking are in possession of valid passport and any appropriate visas ( please see Holiday Information on page 14 ) .
12 That is not say that those whom it is hoped to benefit are in any sense undemanding or unsophisticated .
13 I read recently that applicants for the Institute of Advanced Motorists test are in the ratio of one woman to four men , but the success rate shows virtually the same number of women passing as men .
14 This action plan makes it evident that many of the organisational improvements recommended are in fact features synonymous with an ‘ openly run ’ school with an ‘ open ’ form of decision-making .
15 And the majority of those have objected are in the area of that two miles .
16 An unsuccessful search terminates when the end points of the section of the list being searched are in fact next to each other , and neither matches the searched-for item .
17 Seven of these figure are in the current show , two done directly onto the gallery 's walls .
18 And sadly , many of the people it kills are in their middle years .
19 The broken states I have named are in a condition of near ruin .
20 I mean , in the parish over the erm what five to ten years , the things that have grown are in their own , the , various other support groups and so on .
21 ( 2 ) Apart from any such contract , express or implied , the place of delivery is the seller 's place of business , if he has one , and if not , his residence : except that , if the contract is for the sale of specific goods , which to the knowledge of the parties when the contract is made are in some other place , then that place is the place of delivery . ’
22 Eight of the properties Citalia has secured are in an old farmhouse on the estate about two miles away from the castle .
23 But the petty snobbery and priggishness of which it is sometimes accused are in my view much less serious ( and in any case demonstrably declining ) than are two tendencies : the first , to make the curriculum and the public examination system a closed circuit ; the second , to be increasingly concerned with training — in other words , to think of its pupil-product more and more as an instrument rather than as an end .
24 I keep Koi in the main pond and goldfish in the other and like many fishkeepers ( whom I suspect are in the same situation as I ) I felt that I would be happier with some sort of quarantine/treatment facility for use when I purchase new fish .
25 The few first letter errors which do occur are in words with silent consonants , for example know and write .
26 The things that matter are in this book .
27 ‘ The only ones she 's got are in America . ’
28 The regions which are leading are in some cases different from those which have been leading in terms of the historic trends over the last four months .
29 The oleic acid concentrations used are in the range encountered in patients with steatorrhea .
30 This covers sales to the fields of business , industry , and education and training organisations , and many of the programmes sold are in the science documentary area .
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