Example sentences of "[verb] through many " in BNC.

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1 Only those ideas which can be traced through many different formulations on depression in the seventy years since Freud 's book was published are touched upon here .
2 For secondly he sits through many lunches , discussing life and love and never mentioning football .
3 Clearly that goes through many doors throughout the er the constituency , and it is widely read , people look forward to it .
4 It is possible to search through many relations , indeed the whole database , and the RANGE command can be used to restrict such access by only allowing users to refer to relations defined in a RANGE statement .
5 And , if one accepts the concept that the spirit is journeying through many lifetimes in order to achieve that degree of evolution which makes it unnecessary to spend further time on this earth , then surely it must be essential to experience life both as a man and as a woman .
6 Yet Brandt , born illegitimate , exiled under the Nazis , who had even become a Norwegian citizen for a time after the war , had come through many trials .
7 Of its 850 miles , 437 are in Germany , and it passes through many beautiful old towns .
8 At all events , it enables her to explore the danger that shoots through many childhoods : the fear of losing mother or father , the conflict we often endure as we hear their exasperated voices arguing above our heads or while we are in bed .
9 If the new mall is to be covered , probably the best option is for it to be glazed in the manner of the arcades which cut through many nineteenth-century blocks .
10 Besides , such a prolific writer could hardly be ignored and his popularity moved through many decades by its own momentum , rather as Enid Blyton 's has done in the middle years of the present century .
11 A great cultural movement like the twelfth-century Renaissance can not be explained in simple terms : the influences and the inspiration which created it flowed through many channels , some of them deep beneath the ground .
12 I walked through many galleries in London and did n't see a single one .
13 I walked through many galleries in London and did n't see a single one .
14 Compared to books , distribution of multimedia software titles would remain more fragmented because the market was growing rapidly and potential customers could be reached through many outlets , Mr McCarthy said .
15 It is symptomatic of the band-wagon style of politics rumbling through many western nations that the private sector should be blamed for the short-comings of the public .
16 Companion never lost through many a league ,
17 Elizabeth wrote somewhere : ‘ I think loneliness is a theme running through many of my novels and short stories , the different ways in which individuals can be isolated from others — by poverty , old age , eccentricity , living in a foreign country — even by having committed murder , as in A Wreath of Roses ( there are several kinds of loneliness in that novel ) . ’
18 The group , and individual members of the group , will go through many experiences which the counsellor can use .
19 Do you go through many different versions ?
20 Equally , it went through many of the same traumas as Britain in the 1960s and 1970s while the Thatcher crusade for the market-led economy found an echo not only in Reagan 's America , but in France , Australia , Spain , and even social-democratic Sweden .
21 Dr Ranganathan was one of the most brilliant and imaginative figures the profession has seen ; his Colon Classification went through many revisions and new editions , and is widely in use in his own country , yet elsewhere it is admired but , for good reasons , not employed .
22 We went through many dark passages until we reached a door , where she left me , taking her candle with her .
23 We went through many large , impressive rooms , finally reaching the top floor , where there was a narrow corridor with several small black doors , all shut .
24 Chaverim kol Yisroel — ‘ All Israel are brothers ’ — was what went through many minds .
25 During all the long years of the war it was she who kept up the morale of all of us , especially my father , who went through many difficult times .
26 Illustrated with engravings of chemical apparatus , it went through many editions and is a landmark in the transformation of alchemy , with its strong mystical element , into chemistry as an exact science .
27 His Analysis of a Course of Lectures in Experimental Philosophy ( 5th edn. 1767 ) , ranging over the whole of the natural sciences , went through many editions , as did his Concise Essays upon Various Philosophical and Chemical Subjects ( 1770 ? )
28 When we train we go through many moves and set pieces but we also have a joke .
29 The use of impro in training has gone through many phases ; it still conjures up the traditional , hackneyed image of a student being asked to be a tree or an icecream .
30 By then the ‘ monster ’ has gone through many transformations , unable to decide who he is or which of his many disguises represents the true ‘ him ’ ; but he can only find liberty by killing the father who sired him .
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