Example sentences of "[verb] about [verb] " in BNC.

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1 'How about repeating that line , like a chorus …
2 While much remains to be explained about dreaming , a number of findings have been made which are by now uncontentious among scientists .
3 But perhaps it would be nice if somebody gave you a gift voucher for Christmas and it said an eyebrow trim , and you were dying to have an eyebrow trim but you did n't know where to come , and perhaps you were a little bit frightened about having one , so , it might , you know , get you to come into the salon .
4 Christina heard Robert Leyton 's angry murmur : ‘ That 's the first I 've bloody heard about expanding the resorts ! ’
5 Sir , i it was a terrible brief point about clad in jodhpurs , riding boots and hacking jacket but all the point that I was going to make that I 've heard about riding roughshod over Europe but Mr Deputy Speaker this is ridiculous , I the er the honourable
6 During a full meeting of the convention later , Councillor John Connolly , of Central Region and chairman of the COSLA water and sewerage committee , said that since a great deal had been heard about taking stock it was time Mr Lang faced up to the fact that he had completely lost the argument for privatised water and sewerage services , including a franchise arrangement .
7 Well we 'll get carbon dioxide off , so you might be iridium carbonate or ytterbium , we 've got a powder which may be ytterbium car carbonate or ytterbium sulphate and you never heard of this stuff , ah carbonate carbonate and maybe , maybe ytterbium carbonate does n't give off carbon dioxide with acid , but there is a very good chance it does cos all the others you 've ever heard about do .
8 I I think you were all here listening to the erm pensioners before you were they were talking about their ideas which were also our ideas in our er report on the designated ownership of , of the pension funds and in particular they had a couple of ideas which you may have heard about having the word pension in the in the names , just technical points , er pension in the names of er of the funds and and people who were er giving advice on behalf of them .
9 You 've heard about deregulating cocaine .
10 Elizabeth , dear , we 'll have to see about training a new cook . ’
11 This man also promised to see about getting us some magazines and a radio .
12 ‘ Sarah has gone to see about getting cards printed , but with the weekend it will be difficult . ’
13 We had Eclair and the instructions were in English apart from the opening remarks about opening doors and so on .
14 ‘ Gran died , and left her house to me , so someone had to arrange about selling it .
15 I no longer cared about seeing the film , though it was to be the last with my great hero Sean Connery .
16 So who cared about having a too-honest face ?
17 She cared about surviving , about remaining very still and suffering , enduring , holding on until the train reached Chancery Lane .
18 In addition to getting his own way , monetary profits and his cousin Silvia , he also cared about winning races .
19 So , Silvia had been right ; he really cared about winning that race .
20 Firstly , when one thinks about using computers in schools , one tends to think of technology , and you think of people with white coats and dials and sort of science and technology and so forth , whereas I think in schools the big interest is in using a microcomputer as a teaching aid and as a support to other services and other ways of doing things , so it is just as relevant in a primary school as a secondary school .
21 But before he thinks about drifting off to the sun , Biggins wants another taste of cup glory .
22 ‘ I 'm not the kind of bloke who thinks about retiring in 14 years or whatever .
23 ‘ I 'm not the kind of bloke who thinks about retiring in 14 years or whatever .
24 Mark Kozelek thinks about finding someone else to sing his songs , so he can hide all the time .
25 I try to think that my drive forward is stronger than the horse 's desire to draw back , because the moment a horse thinks about shying , he stops going forward .
26 Yeah and then she 's already cut it up into twelfths like this and then she thinks about asking them who wants pizza and there 's only four of them want pizza after all this trouble .
27 ‘ He just lies on his bed and thinks about having his end away ! ’
28 But today The Daily Mirror reveals what the Nineties teenager really thinks about making love .
29 Gates was very careful to caution about overestimating the duration of his company 's exceptional record on profit margins , however .
30 ‘ I go to a meeting , have some really good points to make , but because I get paralysed about speaking out I remain silent .
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