Example sentences of "[verb] about [be] " in BNC.

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1 However , what many yoga fans will have heard about is the ‘ life-force ’ , especially if they followed Richard Hittleman 's Yoga for Health series on television .
2 I think a lot of the modern maths that we 've , we 've heard about is still very much aimed at the brighter children who were going to do O-level and , and beyond even in mathematics .
3 A fat lot he even cared about being late for church and she trying to keep up a good style .
4 It was as if the only thing he cared about was the stupid thing .
5 And the only thing I cared about was the damn foolishness of the banning .
6 The nurses here wrote down every day on Stephen 's chart how many hours he had cried , but neither Sloan nor Dr Turner turned a hair when they looked at that on the chart ; all they cared about was the weight curve .
7 All they cared about was drink .
8 All he cared about was booze , but he still got the job done before he got soaked .
9 In the winter of 1518 all I cared about was surviving and life was hard in Paris .
10 Soon the dandelions came , all they cared about was blooming , getting their white clocks and blowing their babies far away .
11 Take Frau Grossman , all she thinks about is finery and food , whereas Dr Grossman has his spectacles always in a book .
12 All she thinks about is clothes , shoes , hairstyles .
13 All she thinks about is being happy — and that means having the things she thinks will make her happy . ’
14 ‘ But these days — and heaven knows why ! — all she thinks about is Jeff ! ’
15 and she 'll just think about it , and the more she thinks about being depressed the more she 'll get depressed in thinking
16 The timetable that my hon. Friend asked about is as follows .
17 But many of the symptoms asked about were reported for similar proportions of those who had been in residential homes and those who had not ; these were pain , trouble with breathing , vomiting or feeling sick , drowsiness , sleeplessness , dry mouth or thirst , depression , loss of appetite , difficulty swallowing , dizziness , bed sores , an unpleasant smell , and backache .
18 ‘ If you mean about being lonely … ’
19 Now that 's what I mean about being dishonest .
20 But I ca n't do it — all I can think about is Marie 's face .
21 She writes the words : arresting images ( lives that go in circles ‘ like a pigeon on a tyre ’ ) , moments of disturbing lucidity amid inscrutable dream-imagery ( ‘ give me what I want/ And all I can think about is losing it ’ ; ‘ why ca n't you do to my insights/What you do to my insides ? ’ ;
22 So the first thing you 're always gon na think about is position .
23 But one thing that is very relevant which , which you 've got ta think about is that , we all thought Operation Quickspend was great news did n't we ?
24 All you can think about is your mistress upstairs .
25 Okay , so er what have we got there erm use supports use of support yeah material another thing you might think about is time .
26 I mean the last thing we 'd think about is excluding children .
27 See what they 've got ta se think about is if they want double glazing , which is another er two or three thousand pound !
28 It swam straight into my chest and bowled me over , thank God it swam on but the adrenalin was flowing so all I could think about was what sort of picture I 'd got .
29 Edward was still kissing her , his tongue circling inside her mouth , but all she could think about was this new sensation between her legs , a little like the way she felt when they danced , but even better .
30 ‘ When you consider the difficulties Diana has it speaks volumes that all she could think about was someone else .
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