Example sentences of "[verb] than [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Accept the fact that some buyers will inevitably respond negatively , but be confident that more will buy than if no close had been used .
2 If stowed in a dry place , where there was no danger from rats , they would grow ‘ though they be two , three or four months on their passage and will be less liable to suffer than if planted in earth , because the sailors generally kill these plants by overwatering them . ’
3 For example , the first vowel in the following English words is of a different quality when it is stressed than when it is unstressed : convert , progress , transfer .
4 When I arrived at Wuthering Heights that afternoon , I was shocked to see how much worse the house looked than when I used to live there .
5 I will consider what more needs to be done — because undoubtedly more needs to be done and formidable challenges remain — and whether further progress towards the achievement of those objectives is more likely to come about if the policies of the Government continue to be pursued than if the policies that the hon. Gentleman 's party advocates were introduced in their place .
6 Your worships , er , there 's nothing at all more sinister in the failure to stop and failure to report than than that , i th that is a a true record of the er er er of the incident as far as Mrs was concerned erm and it is something which erm comes about an accident which came about probably through the inexperience of the children er , running across the pedestrian crossing thinking that they have priority erm and not having regard to other road users er , and Mrs was travelling at slow speed but it was she was put in a difficult position by the the way in which the children ran across the road .
7 For subjects given a list of words , when recall is immediate words with serial positions late in the list are more likely to be recalled than when recall is delayed .
8 There must be some dimensions that have been more thoroughly checked than than er
9 I think there are much more pleasant ways of people living than than this erm set up that they have .
10 Nowhere is the siren song of conservation more difficult to resist than when it combines a sentimental appeal to make a restoration project out of every down-at-heel relic , with the coded suggestion that it might even be a retail money-spinner in its own right if properly marketed by a curator and a press officer with a gift shop and a T-shirt designer on hand .
11 Many of the American resorts are owned by wealthy investors and expenditure decisions are easier to reach than where several different commercial concerns are involved .
12 Not only are they very much simpler to weed and maintain , but if you have a back problem they are easier to reach than if they are closer to the ground .
13 There was nothing more interesting to be seen than if this had been the entrance to a rabbit warren , nothing but a tunnel that led down into darkness .
14 If the same types of description are used ( name or NP ) , there is a greater likelihood that plural references will be made than if mixed descriptions are used .
15 I am not sure about the precise details , but I do believe than when Great-Grandfather Tallentire became old and decided to retire he refused to allow his sons to carry on the licence .
16 I think that people would be justified in rebuking me for deceiving them as to my whereabouts , but that I would no more have actually lied than if I had thrown my voice and said ‘ Cooee ‘ .
17 Secondly , since the nature of the harm is usually unknown , larger numbers are needed than if it could be specified in advance to avoid spurious statistically significant adverse effects .
18 When the acted-upon was presented first , or emphasised through questioning , significantly more passives were produced than when the actor received prior attentional focus .
19 Close inspection of the data showed that the context effects were due to inhibition : when preceded by an anomalous context , words took an average of 110 milliseconds longer to identify than when preceded by a row of Xs .
20 Brightly lit as on a stage , she saw the bodies still , more garish , more brightly lit than when they had first met her horrified eyes .
21 Understandably , the courts are more willing to review a decision because of the way in which it has been reached than because of its actual merits , or lack of them .
22 A multivariate analysis of WFS and other statistics confirmed that mortality of children under age five is higher if the mother is employed than if she is not in the labour force .
23 The trials and tribulations which beset Piggott after his riding career was over — imprisonment in October 1987 for tax fraud — do nothing to distract from his achievements in the saddle , and never have his skills been better demonstrated than when he won his twenty-eighth Classic .
24 By contrast , answering some questions about intervals between dates is much more difficult for the bottom third when no calendar is provided than when it is ; the top third are about as successful whether or not a calendar is provided .
25 lt would , for example , sound distinctly odd to have a tone-unit boundary between an article and a following noun , or between auxiliary and main verbs if they are adjacent ( though we may on occasions hesitate or pause in such places within a tone-unit ; some people who do a lot of arguing , notably politicians and philosophers , develop the skill of pausing for breath in such intonationally unlikely places because they are less likely to be interrupted than if they pause at the end of a sentence ) .
26 In the second half of 1947 international attitudes towards Franco began to alter but this was less in response to the " changes " he had introduced than because Spain 's strategic value was enhanced by the deterioration of east–west relations .
27 The muscles behave like rubber bands , possessing more potential energy when they are stretched than when they are lax .
28 A team of four individuals working together in a brainstorming session is likely to perform less well on the number of ideas generated than if the four individuals worked on their own .
29 Because they were effecting the repair work themselves it had taken longer to complete than if they had let the Yard do it , but even so the tow had been under way again shortly after noon on the third day .
30 It seem to me erm that was er much more intended to be much more restrictive I think than than I would suggest our policy E two is now .
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