Example sentences of "[verb] come from " in BNC.

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1 Leeds , Liverpool and Sheffield Wednesday failed to come from behind and overturn first-leg deficits .
2 So land vertebrates in particular tend to come from relatively few sites , which become exhaustively collected compared with most invertebrate localities .
3 Here users tend to come from a wide variety of backgrounds , and press for an equally wide range of requirements .
4 My examples tend to come from the part of the world where I live , but the same principles apply wherever you happen to be .
5 New moves tend to come from middle-class artists who have had the opportunity to absorb a great deal early and feel sufficiently confident in an educational and financially secure context to move it along .
6 We concluded that women who are successful in political careers tend to come from middle- and upper-class backgrounds and from professional occupations ; they have either been able to rely on the resources and support of their families or to have minimised the handicaps deriving from women 's status within the family by remaining unmarried or childless or by entering public life later on when their familial obligations have , to a larger degree , been completed .
7 However , Tizard does acknowledge that the issue is complicated by social inequality — children who come into care tend to come from the most powerless sector of society .
8 Furthermore , cohort studies in Britain show that the relation between a woman 's family size and the family size in which she is brought up is positive , although not very strong : childless women are more likely to be single children themselves , mothers of large families tend to come from larger than average families themselves , even when other influences are controlled for statistically ( Kiernan 1989a ) .
9 Eating disorders tend to come from childhood , or problems , or ways people have approached food in the past and the pressure is on women to be slim to fit into these categories are er , just more pressures that make it very difficult for somebody who has an eating disorder to sort the problem all these pressures just make it more difficult .
10 Hooligans tend to come from social backgrounds where masculine aggression is highly valued .
11 Research proposals therefore tend to come from established departments , and also tend increasingly to consist of safe , conservative projects which have possibilities for future income-generation for the universities .
12 Erm it 's a difficult balance , change is very rarely popular and quite often it 's only ever talked about but sometimes it happens and even then it 's not popular but a balanced and open mind is required to approach change but perhaps more important , and this is n't always mentioned , suggestions about change tend to come from rather specific areas and there are rather specific interest groups which may start the process of change
13 The majority of funds tend to come from the banking sector , although commercial bills are also important .
14 The SFO only becomes involved in cases where more than £1 million is involved , and most cases tend to come from the DTI .
15 He added that as much as a third of BP 's oil production was expected to continue to come from the North Sea until the turn of the century .
16 Willy used to come from school and she used to come up me mum 's house with a , so could have a suck of the tit he would 've come from school and you 'd expect him the night at me mam 's house
17 But I 've heard him quoted as saying that one of the reasons he did n't come was because they did n't have a venue large enough , because people would want to come from all over Europe .
18 ( 84 ) The tune was heard to come from no further away than where the track slings around the shoulder of the hill .
19 Nearly one-sixth of authorities mentioned that the development of training packages , to be used in-house , and preferably developed by themselves , was needed to expand their training , indicating their belief that this was where expansion would need to come from , and that such training packages were likely to achieve more effective training because they would be tailor made .
20 That if this is going home then that sort of thing does n't need to come from a form tutor , other than a sa er a sort of generalised one as well , if you like .
21 Financing is expected to come from foreign investors , and the project is backed by the Catalan government .
22 The Journal has not got very far in finding out where the applications are expected to come from — or how the thing will be marketed .
23 With just four employees now , Goodfellow hopes that Sdirect will turnover £1m by the end of the year , 30% of which is expected to come from reseller deals .
24 Initial take-up is expected to come from medium sized business using Series Five RS/6000s but SafetyNet will consider investing in a Series Nine system if demand dictates .
25 Despite Cannavino 's touting of the wonders of Greenock , the machines are expected to come from the Far East .
26 In response to higher than expected government revenue in 1989 , as a result of an increase in the value of exports , especially oil , projected revenue for 1990 was set at naira 47,657million ( US$1.00=N 7.6627 as at Jan. 8 , 1990 ) , of which N 38,628 million was expected to come from crude oil export ( based on a estimated price of US$16 per barrel ) and N 9,029 million from non-oil sources .
27 Total expenditure was expected to rise by 19 per cent to TSh141,248 million , of which 30 per cent was expected to come from foreign loans and assistance .
28 For 1990-91 revenues and grants were forecast to increase by P653,000,000 over the revised 1989-90 budget to total P3,318 million , 63 per cent of which was expected to come from mineral exports .
29 Increased revenue was expected to come from additional indirect taxes , including sales taxes on fuel , cars , fruit and some beverages ; cars would be taxed at between 50 and 500 per cent , depending on engine capacity , and fuel prices were to rise by about 30 per cent .
30 Revenue from tax and non-tax sources was estimated at TSh118,547 million , while some TSh85,653 million — about 42 per cent of the total budget — was expected to come from overseas donors .
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