Example sentences of "[verb] see [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The leader is in good health and , in Maginnis 's opinion , should stay to see through the current phase — at least until the Government agrees to a select committee for Northern Ireland , whether or not there is any devolution .
2 Does Mondo Desire sound like the kinda movie you 'd want to see with your Saturday night date ? ’
3 Do you want to see to those , or what ? ’
4 I do n't want to see inside the castle , I just want to walk around the outside and sketch anything that looks interesting . ’
5 What sort of programmes do we want to see in the nineties and beyond ?
6 There was a minor scuffle between Hegarty and a Unionist councillor and before desisting , Hegarty shouted to the gallery : ‘ Whom do you want to see in the chair ? ’
7 This is n't the kind of thing we 'd want to see in the minutes , is it ? ’
8 Craigendarroch 's information pack — which can be found in your room — is a mine of information on the many activities and placed to see in this fascinatingly diverse area .
9 He writes : ‘ If we are pressed to see in the doctrine of the Trinity some clue to the sense that gender … must have something corresponding to it in the God-head , one would find in the unconditioned Unity of God something like the feminine in creation , while the differentiated Persons , on the other hand , have each a masculine denomination . ’
10 They tend to see with their ears and accept things that they are told are acceptable , ’ he says .
11 Left Welfare Assistant with class to go to see about Junior Staff Meeting Agenda .
12 It was a dramatic and impractical outfit of a kind I only expected to see on the male models who posed in the more outlandish fashion magazines that our rich clients brought aboard Wavebreaker , yet Jesse Isambard Sweetman managed to wear the elaborate style with an elegant insouciance .
13 My binoculars I wore round my neck at the ready for all those puffins , razor bills and guillemots I expected to see on the way over .
14 Many teachers had difficulty accommodating what they thought others expected to see in their classrooms , partly because they were frequently unclear about what was expected , and partly because of practical and personal difficulties .
15 A baby was the last thing she expected to see in the servants ' quarters , especially as Rosa looked far beyond her child-bearing years .
16 Now the curious thing was that if you looked at the early atmosphere , the molecules in that were the molecules that we expected to see in interstellar space .
17 ‘ Get on with it , Will , ’ she said , ‘ I 'll be down in a minute , got to see to my mam . ’
18 But that 's about all the world 's media , camped outside his house in Park Road in Abingdon , got to see of the retired bank manager .
19 There 's no decent men in it and there 's no nudity of men it , even when he 's in it all you got to see of him was waist-high , you got to see a clips of his bum .
20 As a food and store safety officer , I felt dismayed and frustrated to see in the Journal , members of staff wearing inappropriate jewellery and , in high risk areas , all hair not kept within hats .
21 Johnson responded to this courteous , gentlemanly Highlander ; Boswell failed to see beyond the Gael , the Jacobite .
23 lurching in the blink of an eye , daring to see like a yes .
24 She almost danced away , out of the door and into the sunlight , blithely leaving her horse to her brother whether he had intended seeing to it or not .
25 Although a backbencher he is currently the politician the voters most want to see as prime minister .
26 ‘ I want to see into your soul while I make love to you , mia Carolina .
27 ‘ There 's something I want to see on television , ’ I lied .
28 Suddenly , there facing you , is the person you least want to see at that moment .
29 To see something really special today though requires a discerning nature and to an extent it depends upon which technique you want to see at its best .
30 If you want to see for yourself what it can do , keep your eyes open for Harry 's flame-red Fouga on the display circuit .
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