Example sentences of "[verb] make they " in BNC.

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1 The resources they command make them no match for national and transnational corporations .
2 When caught make them suffer .
3 The thought that they might already be pursued made them hasten their pace .
4 The gardener of the family is the Queen Mother , whose gardens at her Scottish hideaways , the Castle of Mey and Birkhall , are stunning , and it is she who over the years has made them so .
5 Recently , however , a nasty combination of wobbly stockmarkets , plunging property prices and a fragile domestic banking system has made them more cautious .
6 West Indies , for their part , are simply playing their own game and , since it has made them the most powerful team in the world , can not see why they should deprive themselves of their trump cards just because other countries can not produce trump cards of their own .
7 Moreover , the large number of coins which have survived and the way they have survived in hoards has made them the most datable objects from the ancient or medieval worlds that we possess .
8 The theologians ' determination to rest their faith on something more secure than history has made them more than willing , in many circumstances , to accept that the historical evidence of Jesus ' life is as patchy as the most sceptical secular historian says it is .
9 Inflation has made them worth as little as 1/2p .
10 It was partly about fairs but mainly about Theme Parks , which is what big business has made them into in the US and what they are becoming here .
11 Cynics believe that the forums have come about merely because royal patronage has made them a fashionable activity for business leaders seeking a knighthood .
12 Such left-wing gaucherie has made them easy meat for a largely right-wing press anxious to show that extreme political dogma is a left-wing monopoly and determined to deny the left the social concern and humanity that lies behind some of the left-wing philosophy .
13 And they 're sure it 's this attitude that has made them so successful .
14 A string of sensational stories has made them deeply unpopular .
15 The heartache and suffering over the centuries has made them tough and strong and it 's been a slow evolution .
16 The long struggle to reclaim what was theirs has made them cold and deadly .
17 Inevitably the introduction of money into their economy has made them more materialistic , and they 're not quite as open with tourists as they once were .
18 But feminists ' preoccupation with subjectivity has made them particularly interested in Lacanianism .
19 The present squeeze on resources of all kinds in CMEA economies has made them so taut that the short-term consequences of market-orientated measures ( inflation , unemployment ) are bound to be sharp and widespread .
20 At the last minute , enough congressmen rally round to get the package through the House of Representatives : not because they believe in it , but because Mr Clinton has made them an offer they can not refuse , or worse , because they pity him .
21 In practice , however , it cuts across a web of internationally-agreed tax rules at a time when growing co-operation among tax inspectors around the globe has made them ever more effective .
22 Eliot 's death of the corrections to his original writings , and then the corrections that Ezra Pound made , and Ezra Pound has made them ten times better .
23 In addition , the precipitous decline in the real price of many products has made them accessible to many more people in the developing world .
24 The difficulty , however , is that competition for components has made them increasingly price-elastic and thus sensitive to exchange rate movements .
25 The homes of this minority tribe are built over the water on stilts , its vegetable fields float on the lake 's surface and its fishermen propel their long narrow boats with a unique leg-rowing motion that has made them famous .
26 Using the milk/newspapers context has made them seen trivial : few people would find sensible the idea of a state monolith in milk supply or rigorous persecution of small-time dealers in newspapers by some all-seeing agency .
27 For example there are echoes of colonial discourse in the way the boys make a distinction between the ‘ good blacks ’ ( who accept the verdict of the first , lost fight ) and the ‘ bad blacks ’ who cry foul and fight back , trying to reverse the verdict of a society which has made them permanent losers .
28 I only ask because Mr Hamlyn has made them look remarkably similar — the main difference is that Ms Rendell has a splendid pair of naked buttocks perched on her head where her hair should be .
29 Such altered viruses can transduce non-replicating cells , including differentiated epithelial cells of the respiratory tract and elsewhere , and this has made them the chosen vectors for genetic therapy of cystic fibrosis .
30 Frank Griffith has made them wonder if the letters really exist .
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