Example sentences of "[verb] so much " in BNC.

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1 It goes so much deeper than that .
2 She said this with a certain violence , and Clara 's attention quickened , for she thought she was about to witness the emergence of one of the buried conflicts of which she had heard so much : but Mrs Denham said quickly , " For goodness sake , Clelia , you know how good it is for me to have James around , it takes me back to those lovely days when you were all so small and docile . "
3 No other hypocrites in Shakespeare gain so much so quickly , so easily , and can afford to drop pretence so fast .
4 Those sort of Places made so much they could afford the luxury of high standards .
5 Editor , — John Wright and Helen Ford describe the anguish and despair affecting many sub-Saharan African countries and made so much worse recently by drought .
6 He used to say he got angry because he cared so much .
7 ‘ I need hardly tell you , ’ he continued in his dry voice , ‘ what a blow you dealt to she who cared so much for your welfare .
8 Car suicide of banker who cared so much
9 Then I met my husband and was sure I 'd fallen in love with him because he cared so much .
10 ‘ Never knew you cared so much , ’ said Jimmy , emerging from his lethargy and rising from his chair at last to join Frye at the black , rain-blurred windows .
11 And she felt a twinge of panic that , already , she cared so much for his opinion .
12 Ken sincerely believed that a separate-bedroom marriage would be the perfect relationship with someone for whom he cared so much .
13 But from my own researches it became plain to me that she was very much a person of her times , as compared with Beatrice Webb who became so much a critic of her times .
14 ‘ Not really , because it got so much bigger than we wanted it to straight away .
15 Really good actually seeing as it got so much smaller .
16 And your social assets just develop so much better at a comprehensive .
17 So keep the the plaster-spotted faces of the fanatics in your mind as you exercise , and you 'll laugh so much the wrinkles wo n't have a chance .
18 ‘ Why does food almost taste so much better out of doors ? ’ she asked rhetorically .
19 Strangely inferior , somehow , for Churchill to have placed so much trust in .
20 I enjoy putting up a tent , I like campfires and food for me tastes so much better outside .
21 She 's arranged so much this time . ’
22 She 'd come so far , she 'd given so much … and all of it would be meaningless without a final context of success .
23 On the negative side , funerals were becoming so much more secular in outlook , appearance and context that the surviving guilds and fraternities found themselves hard-pressed to provide all that made for an average funeral of the new type ; the rules were being rewritten by a public which no longer wished to perpetuate the simple ritual hitherto provided and which were looking for a pageantry close to that of the great baronial funerals as performed by the College of Arms , a corporation of heralds and part of the Royal Household .
24 The energy generated from running upstairs and laughing with Stella in distant Florence flowed over into the impulse to ring , in turn , her own mother : a pointless act , but one that nevertheless in the context seemed pious , necessary , propitiatory , and a gesture at least towards her sister , who bore so much heavier a filial burden , who would ( in theory at least ) be pleased to know that Liz had remembered .
25 This is what sets off its archaic phase from the oriental arts to which it owes so much ; what drives Greek artists to be always changing , developing , till they find themselves forced to abandon the inherited conventions and create their own , classical , style which becomes the basis of European art .
26 Photographs and a more detailed physical description of the body may finally identify it , but a diary found so much lower on the mountain is unlikely to throw new light on how the two men died .
27 Money-Go-Round : Never has so much been owed by so many
28 Never has so much been expected of general medical practitioners and practice staff ; general practitioners are being pressed to do audit , participate in commissioning , become fundholders , do research , improve consumer responsiveness , and develop new skills in the transfer of services from secondary to primary care and development of community care .
29 First he had disturbed her senses in that first sweet embrace — and now he was making life difficult by not being there when needed , and appearing so much too late .
30 Typical is S. Botolph 's Church , Boston , in Lincolnshire , called colloquially the ‘ Boston Stump ’ because its top storey was added so much later than the rest of the church and for many years the tower had a decapitated appearance ( 476 ) .
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