Example sentences of "[verb] so many " in BNC.

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1 It was surprising that an industry generating so many millions of pounds was prepared to use little more than the manager 's sexual tastes as its yardstick of talent .
2 ‘ An informer is an informer , ’ Tim Skerritt said , repeating what he had heard so many times in the village that day .
3 I 've heard so many of you say ‘ Oh yes , I 'd like to knit that but I have n't time to punch the card or mark the mylar sheet ’ .
4 He had heard so many stories of musket balls lodging in Bibles , not of course that he really believed them , but all the same What he wanted to do now was to find some immoral passages with which to confront the Padre , thereby proving to him that this book could not possibly be the word of God ( unadulterated , anyway ) .
5 ‘ I 've heard so many stories about him and all the good he did , and my dad was delighted when he found I was working with Sarah because she was his granddaughter . ’
6 Never in her life had the penguin heard so many words .
7 I say that with some feeling because , in the three years , that I have been doing this job I have not heard so many well-qualified solicitors and barristers , people from the legal community and inquests and from pressure groups say that there are areas of deep concern .
8 I frankly ca n't deal in the time allowed with what Mr said , I have never heard so many inaccuracies and misconceptions in a speech , it was the most comprehensive political suicide speech I 've heard yet in this council .
9 I find difficulty believing that they will be able to do that , simply because the detailed assessment that has been done to date , as we 've heard so many times is is incomplete .
10 Her long life had witnessed so many incredible events , but as the final twist of fortune engulfed her , she was already too decrepit , mentally and physically , to come to terms with it .
11 Within another mile they had both witnessed so many stretchers , so many bodies and so many limbs no longer attached to bodies that no one had the stomach for jokes .
12 I had n't , I 'd borrowed it from Duncan but I 'd heard the Hell 's Angel crack so many times before I suddenly decided to charge him for it .
13 I did n't think so many people cared ’ .
14 The rather woolly nature of these claims aside , readers might be forgiven for wondering why , if the Cuk converter offers so many desirable features , it is not more commonly used .
15 Field archaeology attracts a great deal of interdisciplinary interest since it offers so many varied and interesting problems .
16 ‘ Watercolour offers so many exciting opportunities — I want to develop my ideas and stretch the limits of the medium .
17 It was marvellous to see so many young people paying their tribute to this extraordinary man .
18 The option relating to present ATB courses was deliberately put last in this section to try to make the question as objective as possible and it was good to see so many confirming that they thought this was , or would be , the best way of learning .
19 Many people said that they had an enjoyable afternoon and made a significant dent in their Christmas shopping list ; it was really nice to see so many members there .
20 I was pleased to see so many hearty workers thus earnestly labouring early in the day .
21 ‘ It 's good to see so many new faces here , ’ he said .
22 It was good to see so many familiar faces , some older , some heavier , some lighter ( well done , Father Roger Clarke ) , Father McNamara had interrupted his pilgrimage to the shrines of Blackpool to be with us .
23 When they returned to Elizabeth 's parlour after the service , Jonadab and Annie looked round with satisfaction to see so many of their family gathered together under one roof .
24 ‘ I 'm glad to see so many clowns here instead of where they should be — in Westminster or back in their constituencies , ’ quips Ron Moody , president of Clowns International , at the official opening of the European Clowns ' Convention on 21 March .
25 ALTHOUGH it was pleasing to see so many people out shopping last Saturday , I did not approve of the Oxford Street poster which urged people to ‘ Shop until you drop ’ .
26 Nice and warm in here and I like to see so many people .
27 NOW that Lennox Lewis has earned a world-title shot it 's interesting to see so many people who previously dubbed him a Canadian imposter jumping on the Brit-for-Champ bandwagon .
28 Not that their newly re-upholstered troubled-funk rhythms would n't make converts of you all on the spot , but it 's heartening to see so many so attached to , well , so little .
29 He glanced at the assembled company as though surprised to see so many people .
30 One of the great pleasures of the exhibition is to see so many works of high quality brought into close proximity .
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