Example sentences of "[verb] say that " in BNC.

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1 I 've heard say that Grandad used to rise at five o'clock in the morning during summertime to water the garden , all carried by hand , of course .
2 And the wildfowl and wetlands trust say that if you should find a sick bird , do n't take it to them — contact your local branch of the RSPCA .
3 And let those who do not wait say that I was lucky .
4 However the Worldwide Fund for Nature ( WWF ) has said that less than one per cent of all tropical timber brought into Britain is managed sustainably .
5 Ferranti has said that its revised net worth will have to be reduced by £185m forcing the company to abandon the final dividend payment for the year to March 1989 .
6 Keith Cresswell , the Richmond secretary , has said that his club will not allow the matter to be swept under the carpet .
7 He has said that the £15m on offer was either too little or too much — too little to pacify the bankers if Eagle was in trouble but if the group could be turned around a recapitalisation would not be needed .
8 Shares worthless : The Inland Revenue has said that ordinary and preference shares of Sound Diffusion are of ‘ negligible value ’ for taxation purposes .
9 The party 's policy review has said that Muslims and other minority religious groups should be entitled to voluntary-aided schools ( for which nearly all the costs come from public funds ) provided they follow the national curriculum .
10 The British Medical Association has said that if the legislation does require authorities to keep to drug budgets , the association will see that as a cash limit and cry ‘ foul ’ after accepting assurances from Mr Clarke last week that budgets would not operate as cash limits .
11 Craven has said that Welsh players will still be chased by South Africa in spite of this vote , but the WRU is confident that they have shut off the avenue to the Republic .
12 Since the socialist government has said that it intends to pass this year 's defence bill anyway , it was the duty of the opposition to move a vote of no confidence .
13 The Independent Broadcasting Authority has said that groups can team up as long as they have no more than 25 per cent of the total independent television advertising market .
14 Bryan Gould , Labour 's trade and industry spokesman , has said that the industry may be renationalised at a lower price than it is sold for .
15 Their teacher has said that the project ‘ has opened their eyes to the problems that have to be met by the elderly and disabled . ’
16 Mrs Thatcher has said that if economics is the means , then changing hearts and minds is the goal .
17 The Algerian foreign minister has said that the swift election of a successor would ‘ show those who oppose national harmony that their enterprise is bound to fail ’ .
18 The Algerian foreign minister has said that the swift election of a successor would ‘ show those who oppose national harmony that their enterprise is bound to fail ’ .
19 France has said that it would support the side that restarted the war .
20 The latter has said that he could not necessarily turn a blind eye to this … especially if there were complaints from other parties ; as you are well aware the commission have the power to seek repayment .
21 The Former West German Chancellor , Mr Willy Brandt , has said that any party in East Germany that decides to run on a reunification plank is virtually assured of a runaway victory at the general elections set for next May .
22 But the US has said that the prospect of General Noriega at large with access to secret funds and free to organise revenge or counter-coups or de-stabilisation in Panama was simply unacceptable .
23 The notion of quotas has angered the Central Council for Jews in Germany , whose chairman , Heinz Galinski , has said that this would represent a sinister form of selection .
24 Mr Gorbachev 's adviser on military affairs , Marshal Sergei Akhromeev , has said that the allied operation contravenes UN resolutions , which are concerned only with the liberation of Kuwait .
25 The death penalty has featured in campaigns in Florida ; in Georgia , where Mr Andrew Young , the former mayor of Atlanta who is now running for governor , has said that capital punishment is sometimes necessary ; in Michigan , where the Republican Senate candidate , Mr Bill Schuette , has attacked Democratic Senator Carl Levin for opposing it ; in one of this week 's congressional by-elections in New York .
26 A government lawyer has said that charges will be filed in four or five months .
27 IRAQ 'S ambassador to the United Nations has said that his country is ready to return the $1 billion in gold and currency it looted from Kuwait .
28 Dr Dennis Cope , of UCLA , has said that Ali is a victim of ‘ Parkinson 's syndrome secondary to pugilistic brain syndrome ’ .
29 Labour has said that the top rate of income tax will rise to 50 p.c. on income , after allowances , of £36,375 or more .
30 But Mr Ashdown , who is demanding a full-scale coalition , has so far rejected anything that Labour has offered , threatening to vote against a Queen 's Speech that does not include a commitment to electoral reform ; and Mr Kinnock has said that he has made no overtures — not even played the ‘ opening chords ’ — which would lead to a post-election pact .
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