Example sentences of "[verb] what would " in BNC.

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1 Unlike his team mate , who has what would be a Rug Nightmare except that he 's Italian and so it 's not .
2 We can describe what would happen in an elaboration of Cairns-Smith 's description of his hypo experiment .
3 Thus , in the case of Parchment , the police committed what would have been a number of breaches of the rules had the accused been in the police station , but , simply because the supposed infractions had taken place before his arrival , the crown court held that nothing wrongful had occurred .
4 The two Libyan nationals accused by the US and UK of the Libya bombing are alleged to have committed what would amount to offences under the Montreal Convention .
5 ‘ Gradually I got to know what would work , it caught the mood , the shadows held up and the grain was soft , it was like a pastel painting .
6 I 'd like to know what would happen then . ’
7 And again and again , on my side , I wanted to know what would happen to us .
8 ‘ If this is what it 's like to be under your protection , I 'd bloody well like to know what would happen if I were n't ! ’
9 They came to Corman 's office to establish what would become a lifelong , though intermittent , friendship between them and Nicholson .
10 ‘ There 's still a lot that can be done with that before we get to having to establish what would effectively be private sector mini-Audit Commissions ’ , said .
11 The Institute of Employment Research at Warwick University recently carried out a number of macroeconomic simulations to discover what would happen if Britain installed sufficient microelectronic technology to improve its rate of productivity growth by 1 per cent relative to its competitors .
12 Could I be before you answer that question , you did ask , did n't you , ask him to be hypothetical and say what would he say in a year 's time , and I think what
13 When one quiet weekend this February Mr Grosz left the country on a short trip to Switzerland , little did he know what would await him on his return .
14 Otherwise I would have been sent back to my country and I do not know what would have happened to us . ’
15 If he had n't been put into the jail , I do n't know what would have been the result today but … before he even had his jail sentence served , applications were coming in from town an in that short space of time about 1966 , our church more than doubled in membership and in churches .
16 If Uncle had n't been there to support me I do not know what would have become of me .
17 The difference is that we did n't know then what we know now , we did n't know what would become of us ’ ; or ‘ We were so young and spilling over with everything inside ’ .
18 We ca n't know what would have happened if it had tried something else , nor ( and this is important ) what would have happened if someone else had tried the original solution .
19 I do n't know what would have been if I 'd stayed .
20 I do n't know what would happen .
21 She did n't know what would happen , she did n't know what was happening now .
22 Do you know what would happen to us if we got caught with this stuff ?
23 They did not know when accident or sickness would hit them , and though they knew that some time in middle age — perhaps in the forties for unskilled labourers , perhaps in the fifties for the more skilled — they would become incapable of doing a full measure of adult physical labour , they did not know what would happen to them between then and death .
24 For him to brush it off in such a way — I do n't know what would make him say things like that , he 's the sort of man I just would n't expect to have …
25 Simone 's gran , Gwen Turner , said : ‘ If it had n't been for the prompt action of these two ambulancemen I do n't know what would have happened .
26 She added that she did n't know what would become of the family now that her brother was no longer around to take care of them .
27 Well I do n't know what would have happened to me .
28 The model behaves so much like the real thing that the Berkeley scientists believe they can predict what would happen to the building during an earthquake .
29 I shall be drawing a considerable sum in a few days but you must know how it is , travelling the country as we old soldiers do … thank you … ten pounds will be quite sufficient … and you must let me spend some more of it in your excellent company … that evening 's entertainment we enjoyed together , Mr Wood , ’ his voice rose in the small hallway and the other guests and servants indoors and out strained noticeably to catch what would surely be the eloquent testimonial of a compliment , ‘ was one of the , shall we say , most boisterous and wise , a rare combination , Mr Landlord , I have spent , whether in London , in Europe or in and out of ships and foreign postings in a long lifetime .
30 One wonders what would have become of Steven Morrissey if fate had n't dealt him his measure of success .
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