Example sentences of "[verb] but because " in BNC.

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1 PEOPLE may be flocking to the sales — not because the recession is ending but because they are seeing the most realistic prices in years .
2 Shana was going to come but because she was pregnant decided not to risk it .
3 We are sorry Q.T. day had to be cancelled but because the weather conditions were so bad we felt it was the right thing to do .
4 There was little recognition of the fact that Labour lost not because they changed but because they did n't change enough .
5 The Prime Minister 's speech was pitiful , not just because policies had collapsed but because he 'd spent so little time preparing it , so busy was he trying to help his chum .
6 He told a regional meeting of the federation : ‘ Unlike large companies , small businesses can not raise capital , they can only borrow but because of their size , they do not have the negotiating clout of a large business when it comes to dealing with a bank manager . ’
7 I , when , when we go down to playschool I walk but because it takes what fifteen minutes to walk into town I put him in the pushchair
8 As Paul 's letter to Titus reminds us , ‘ But when the kindness and love of God our Saviour appeared he saved us : not because of any righteous deeds we had done but because of his mercy .
9 But then they hesitate in doubt , not because they spot a new snag about believing but because they remember a previous experience .
10 The latest shift has prompted a rethink , not only because rates have risen but because chances of them falling significantly have receded probably until the spring .
11 We wanted a name you could remember but because our new secret-fix roofing system has so many advantages we were spoilt for choice .
12 Things like that sometimes you can remember but because you do n't use them so often you think , Oh that 's strange .
13 If they were all the same colour you 'd think But because you 've become so used to seeing the green and ambers and the reds
14 She was exhausting company , not because she argued but because there was a constant play of restless nervous energy in her .
15 The leaders in the TFM Radio section of the poll ( 26 local radio stations are taking part with Woolworths ) are remarkable not simply for the number of votes they have received but because they both teach at Northfield Comprehensive School , Billingham .
16 She quickly learned to swim but because of her small size had some initial problems with buoyancy and kept bobbing to the surface like a cork !
17 And the reason it likes you is not because of the bucket of wild oats you bring but because it thinks you are a horse too .
18 If they knew that the unemployment rates were twenty or thirty percent in urban areas that they would n't migrate but because they do n't have that information that 's , that 's the reason .
19 It was also a story about people and , if I keep returning to Morocco , it is not just because the Atlas offer superlative climbing and trekking but because the Berber ‘ Highlanders ’ are a very special people : incredibly hardy , had-working , lively and friendly .
20 See , Sue has n't come back to me , the science department has n't come to me so I 'm not , I may leave that and say , and do something like that next year in a module or wait until I 've finished again I do n't mind , that 's still something in my mind which I would like to do but because talking to the form tutor 's , what I had written down as a fait a complet erm they 're not too keen so therefore I opened up and say you know , which particular things they were interested in the banking one they are very interested in the environment one , yes , within the school tidy upping area that they would like to do but I 've got ta be able to , and I do n't when planting season is or if I wan na put , be able to put flowers in etcetera , you see what I mean ?
21 ‘ Gavin , ’ noted McGeechan , ‘ speaks to everyone — senior players , new caps , replacements , whoever — not because it is the thing to do but because that 's the kind of bloke he is .
22 It is not stated by the originator as to the exact site of the primary tumour from which MKN45 and MKN45G were derived but because of the gastrin secretory nature of MKN45G it could possibly have been in the antrum .
23 According to the interference theory , animals forget things not because memory fades but because other memories displace them .
24 The ANC rejected the proposal , saying that the government was opposed to majority rule " not so much because of the principle involved but because of dissatisfaction with whom the majority will be " .
25 Inexorably her thoughts turned to suicide , not because she wanted to die but because she desperately wanted help .
26 And they insisted that they did n't want more drink simply because they 'd been drinking but because they just , well , wanted it .
27 They did n't in the end not because Kevin Keegan refreshed parts Ossie Ardiles could n't reach but because their players were too good .
28 The assisted area map will change not because the Government will change but because circumstances have changed since the last review .
29 If ‘ the Court ’ is an expression scarcely ever heard in everyday conversation , it is not because it has ceased to exist but because it no longer wields overt influence .
30 Coercion is possible when there is a government willing to use state power , but it also fails — not solely because coercion as a means to an end tends to fail but because both programmes , in order to achieve any impact , involved very large numbers of people , even the majority , which implies serious problems for the logistics of coercion and of mass political backlash .
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