Example sentences of "[verb] she in " in BNC.

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1 Be sure and tap the door , else you 'll catch 'er in 'er desserbil .
2 Has she in fact any concept of God at all , or simply a ‘ transcendent life principle ’ ? 27 What is that other than simply a human conception ?
3 Although he felt sure he would win her in the end , he was annoyed at her continuing coyness .
4 He had caught her in his arms , and there had been a soaring delight , an exchange of joy , wordless , mindless , stronger and infinitely sweeter than anything he had ever known .
5 For swiftly , and with such adroitness that Fabia felt he must have done it many times before , in no time , and before she could blink , Lubor had caught her in his arms .
6 Carole King , the sharpest female lyricist of all time , ponders going all the way and whether her lover would still respect her in the morning .
7 She had been no worse and no better than the three women who had preceded her in Alexandra 's life , all driven away in the end by the isolation and the powerful ghosts .
8 She liked Robert Urquhart and was attracted to him , even trusted him , unlike Spittals who was no doubt gleefully stabbing her in the back at that moment .
9 She giggled when his second attempt ended in the same way , and when he grasped her in a great bear hug , she was able to slip away as easily as if it were a child holding her .
10 Isabella does not know that the Duke had played the role of the Friar instructing her in the foiling of Angelo 's plots , and so , lacking any independent evidence , she realizes how feeble her case must seem ; yet she still affirms that But the Duke , behaving as Angelo had predicted , and as he would have to behave if he had no evidence , sweeps aside her complaint , leaving her with only heaven to appeal to : The evil is indeed finally ‘ unfolded ’ , not by heaven but by the Duke , although Angelo ( as if recalling that passage in Luke 's gospel ) ascribes divine omniscience to him : But the Duke has only used deception and disguise , legitimately , as Shakespeare makes him say : ‘ Craft against vice I must apply ’ ( III.ii.270 ) .
11 Well apparently she said stands her in good stead because
12 A few hours earlier Mrs Valerie Williams was robbed of her firm 's wages on a quite road in South Wales when masked men overtook her in this stolen car and forced her to stop and then rammed her vehicle from behind with another car .
13 Deep-set eyes quizzed her in the candlelight .
14 A few years later , when a Japanese professor on holiday in England visited her in our other house in Bath , Hill House in Sion Road , he said to her , in the usual Japanese joky way : ‘ I 'm sure your son will be marrying some nice Japanese lady , Mrs Kirkup . ’
15 In fact , when Chris , Sara , Michael and I visited her in hospital , it was she who cheered us up and made us laugh !
16 Yet when Ruksana Khan was attacked , the Home Secretary visited her in hospital and everything .
17 According to the Rev. William Forster , who visited her in jail , she had prayed that the weather on the day of her execution should be fine .
18 What words of greeting did the angel give to Mary when he visited her in Nazareth ?
19 He often visited her in the early months , talking as if the passive figure in the background was n't there .
20 The operation was a success and husband Peter , from Wythenshawe , Manchester , visited her in the ward later in the day .
21 Her parents visited her in October and photographs and videos from their trip will be shown at the Methodist Church on February 12 .
22 Nick Bollettieri , whose Bradenton , Florida Coaching Academy continues to be the base for a whole host of tennis champions , including currently , Andre Agassi , and who is committed to helping the Lawn Tennis Association to set up a similar training base her in the UK , has , in conjunction with adidas , launched a fast and functional range of tennis apparel for this country .
23 Standing at the bottom of the stairs , turning up the gas , revealing her in a pool of light .
24 Scarlet , though not reassured by her words , was touched by her gesture until she saw that Camille was merely reaching for the crisp packet and had patted her in passing .
25 She felt a cold disgust as physical as nausea and with it there swept over her a weakness which shrivelled her in her chair .
26 He had forgotten her in his efforts to catch up with her twin .
27 With a shriek of delight she threw herself at Maggie , enveloping her in the warmest of embraces .
28 Her mother put her arm around Martha 's shoulders , enveloping her in a cloud of scent .
29 This time he turned her to face him , enveloping her in his arms .
30 For as she turned towards him , a great fall of bright copper hair , loosened by the wild chase , came cascading about her shoulders and fell to her waist , enveloping her in a rippling sheet of flame .
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