Example sentences of "[verb] as we " in BNC.

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1 Surrounded as we are by solutions of all kinds , each one supported by persuasive evidence of attested success , we can not but be tempted into the belief that somewhere among them there will be one which matches our particular teaching problem and which can therefore be slotted into our situation like a cassette or a computer programme .
2 We are within the Constitution as it stands , nothing illegal is going on and we claim the right to be treated as democratic citizens assembling as we are free to do .
3 That is what Britain needs as we move into what we all want , a really Happy New Year .
4 You are Scottish ? ’ and each time she touches my kilt with her hand , throwing her head back and laughing as we spin around the dance floor .
5 We could hear him laughing as we closed the garden door .
6 At all events , it enables her to explore the danger that shoots through many childhoods : the fear of losing mother or father , the conflict we often endure as we hear their exasperated voices arguing above our heads or while we are in bed .
7 We grow in grace , we grow as we learn what God teaches us .
8 ‘ Here go the English on holiday , ’ I mused as we drove from Geneva airport , ‘ four people and two skis . ’
9 We are already enjoying eternal life , and physical death will merely mean the passing from life , in which we see through a glass darkly , to life when we shall see and know as we are known .
10 Erm , as we know , Bullitt was a member of the delegation and an intimate of , of Wilson , so the book is er co- authored , so in a sense we should know as we 're paying for , for all of it , because er , obviously , he relied on Bullitt to give him all this biographical information , and er , consequently what you see Freud doing in this in this book is , is er trawling through , as it were , the things that Bullitt told him , that , that Bullitt had found out , to erm , draw a kind of psy psychoanalytic portrait of Woodrow Wilson , that erm , tried to explain his problem , why did he not deliver the goods as it were .
11 But this steadily dissolved as we shared ideas , asked questions of one another and gave each other leads .
12 Our four-hour leg across the Northern Territory was over a vast emptiness , with occasional small homesteads with small landing strips as we neared Darwin .
13 UI and X/Open were due to meet as we went to press .
14 This demand for residential homes has as we have seen risen because of the decrease in the numbers of mentally handicapped children and adults living in hospitals .
15 In Ireland the personal accountability of a , TD has as we have seen unfortunate consequences : it puts a premium on mere popularity and enfeebles the Dail .
16 If we fail to do so , economic policies will remain more show than substance and the unemployed , the low-paid and others on low incomes , as well as manufacturing industries and small businesses , will continue to suffer as we lurch from one recession to the next .
17 The fear that overtakes me seems to increase as we get closer to the big day .
18 Some difficulties were experienced in the interpretation of SCOTVEC guidance documents , but this was to be expected as we were one of the first colleges to be involved in developing units for the HNC Pilot Scheme , and telephone communication with the SCOTVEC Curriculum Development Officers , who were most helpful , usually resolved them for us .
19 Because these will be resent as we know that have individual needs in individual ways and they often rub off one against the other if they live in closeness as we all do .
20 My hon. Friend is entirely right about the pride of the Russian people , which must be respected as we seek to help them .
21 These tend to disappear as we grow older but occasionally persist into adulthood .
22 On the approach there was a fine view over a glacial lake and crevassed snowfields to the West Col. The black , banded summits of Lhotse and Everest reared above the escarpment at the valleyhead , but were to disappear as we got closer .
23 ‘ You told me ’ , I say as we bounce along the ever-dwindling road , ‘ that you thought of marrying Lady De Marr .
24 ‘ Crilly , ’ I say as we lie together , ‘ when the nurse gave me the anaesthetic , she jabbed me so deep that I could feel it throbbing in my veins like an explosion , and it hurt like anything .
25 You say as we might , what is the opportunities of employing the workforce ?
26 Or Him or Both , all Three , met shuddering as we rattle .
27 It is essential not to confound him with the greater Frederick II ( Hohenstaufen ) , holy Roman emperor from 1215 to 1250 , and before that ( 1198–1212 ) king of Sicily as Frederick I. For this great figure , author of The Book of the Falcon and a hero for Dante as well as Pound , is to figure portentously in the Thrones cantos to come as we shall see .
28 However , new things were to come as we departed on the tiny ferry to Værøy , the penultimate island in the Lofoten chain .
29 planes are landing as we speak , erm there are an enormous number of books on American politics , most of them are identical er with different covers .
30 Responsibility for controlling odour emissions which affect the public , lies as we have seen , with two main control agencies , the local authority environmental health department and the health and safety executive through their industrial air pollution inspectors , the latter in respect of odours emanating from premises registered under the Alkali , etc. , Works Regulation Act 1906 as amended by The Health and Safety ( Emissions into the Atmosphere ) Regulations 1983 .
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