Example sentences of "[verb] do [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I am sure that in the majority of instances the shepherding done by leaders is done very responsibly , but this need not be the case .
2 The term was originally used by Hader and Lindeman to refer to work done in industrial consultation committees where some members of the committee were trained to observe in detail what happened at meetings and were then questioned afterwards by research workers — rather like an intelligence officer might question the crew of an aircraft after a raid .
3 This was especially true of the first Dalek serial which had many rewrites done to it before it was finally handed to Christopher Barry and Raymond Cusick .
4 ‘ The child looks done in ; let her have the bath and the food she asks for .
5 As the majority ( and Pope Paul too ) was most anxious both to carry the minority with it and not to seem to be in any way undermining the Roman primacy , there was such a lot of qualifying done in the course of the final formulation of the text that , as it stands , it reads a little weakly .
6 The difficulty with this has been the lack of confidence in building budget forecasts for 1993–4 out of not very precise market-mapping exercises done with only 1992–3 figures .
7 ‘ You 're wasting your breath telling me what you want done with Harbury .
8 Today it still has a market as it has done since 1255 and retains its lively and bustling atmosphere .
9 You watch the bronze figure of the man working the shadoof , which he has done since the time of the Pharaohs .
10 The Council of Europe nevertheless survived and within its limited competence has reason to be proud of the work it has done since its inception .
11 So I 'd like to reflect that against what the government has done since our unique November conference they have cut the Health and Safety Executive 's budget for nineteen ninety three ninety four by five percent , that 's a total of thirteen million pounds the Department of Employment have already admitted this will lead to less inspections and less prosecutions they have introduced a market tex market testing exercise into the H S E in other words they 're saying what parts of the Health and Safety Executive can be privatized into , no doubt , their friends in industry they have made sure that Health that the Health and Safety Commission will work slower in the future by making the chair which is currently a full-time post a part-time post from September this year .
12 President , I would take this opportunity on behalf of the region to condra sorry , congratulate Nigel on the excellent work that he has done since becoming the National Health and Safety Officer .
13 The fund claimed that the NSF was breaking the law by burning food waste in an incinerator , as it has done since October 1991 , without first preparing an environmental impact statement .
14 To hear Joan Marsdon talking of the PAT ( Pets as Therapy ) work she has done with her dogs Bewey , Chrissy and Beth , you would think she had been operating all her life .
15 It is something of a revelation that this memory from over thirty years ago should have remained with Miss Kenton as it has done with me .
16 After a dozen years in the business Keener looks with particular affection on the recordings he has done with Leonard Slatkin , especially the Elgar and Vaughan Williams Symphonies .
17 But that is just what Corinne Hollingworth believes she has done with Eldorado .
18 The British press , it could be hoped , would play down its finding in a ‘ responsible ’ way as it has done with those of the European Commission of Human Rights in 19761 and the European Court of Human Rights in 1977 .
19 It was Sally 's dying wish that he should throw himself into his role as country copper Inspector Reg Wexford — and that he has done with a vengeance .
20 And he was lukewarm about putting a cap on prices as Oftel has done with telephone charges .
21 Next to these are hung canvases — uncoloured — printed with texts about colour taken from interviews Calle has done with blind people .
22 It wrings higher performance per clock than anybody and it has not broken compatibility the way Intel intends to do with the P6 and the way IBM has done with the Rios and its subset , the PowerPC , having apparently failed to scale the thing down to the desktop and having instead been forced to strip out 40 instructions and substitute a software emulator .
23 It wrings higher performance per clock than anybody and it has not broken compatibility the way Intel intends to do with the P6 ( UX No 420 ) and the way IBM has done with the Rios and its subset the PowerPC , having apparently failed to scale it down to the desktop and having been forced to strip out 40 instructions and substitute a software emulator .
24 The best she can do is to try to secure it by non-military , legal means , and this she has done with a fair measure of success .
25 And what he has done with such ready money as he kept about his house neither I nor his clerk can tell as yet . ’
26 County Councillor , Councillor on my right , I think is to be congratulated on the work he has done with County Highways on our behalf , and has written to District Council recommending refusal .
27 However if Silver had opted for getting his 30 pieces as he has done with Batty , Macca would be eating spaghetti as we write .
28 The police and charity workers from the Worcester Kurish refugee society would like to know what Hilali has done with the money .
29 ‘ However , they are also concerned that others do not suffer as their family has done with such an error being made about health care .
30 The place appears exactly as it has done through the ages , the only signs of man 's intrusion being a ruined bothy , an insecure footbridge and the thin track worn by hardy walkers .
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