Example sentences of "[verb] he her " in BNC.

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1 He did not know of the English habit of using such affectionate epithets rather haphazardly , and he was impressed that she should consider him her dear .
2 It was n't possible she was attached to young Geoffrey — whenever she mentioned him her voice had an edge of contempt .
3 She told him her perfume came all the way from Hollywood , in America , where she herself would have been living these last nine years if only Frankie 's birth had not robbed her of the life of glamour and excitement she deserved .
4 I did n't know about God , but that was when I knew it was serious , when she told him her secret identity .
5 She told him her husband had left her a few months before for another woman .
6 She told him her name , what she wanted .
7 And during that terrible evening by the fireside , when she told him her story , how desperately sad she had been to realize he might not love her any more .
8 She could just see his face when she told him her mornings began at six .
9 He sang in the words of the aria that she should give him her hand and put his out to her , but she pretended not to understand .
10 His rich client had barely left the salon before Rain lobbed him her questions and waited for his painful answers .
11 At Question Time today , the Prime Minister , in ruling out a referendum , boasted that the right hon. Lady in her speech yesterday had promised him her full support .
12 He had been to see a palmist and shown him her photo .
13 His mother had shown him lots of things , photographs and even odds and ends she 'd had as a child , but she 'd never shown him her wedding-dress .
14 She wished he were not being so kind , so tender — even if it was because he hoped to cajole her into selling him her house .
15 ‘ No , stupid , if she shows him her pretty face . ’
16 She handed him her ferns .
17 Clyde held out a gnarled old hand to Elaine , who handed him her bag with a timid smile .
18 Silently she handed him her cup and watched him sip it appreciatively , his eyes on hers the entire time .
19 Miserably she handed him her coat at his frosty request , her chastened eyes seeing the annoyed glares from those nearest the door .
20 Flustered , she handed him her case and he took it with a strong hand , his face hard .
21 Edith had been pregnant and alone , the salesman abandoning her when she had told him her condition .
22 Two days ago , after his daughter had told him her story , he had immediately contacted an enquiry agent whom he knew to be trustworthy and told him to find out all that he could about Dr Neil Cochrane , Sir Alastair Cochrane 's younger brother .
23 Her heart went out to him , and she showed him her anemone arrangement and asked him if he liked it .
24 Mr O'Hara smiled when Ellie showed him her selections upstairs in his private office , and sent them straight back downstairs to their various departments .
25 Her excitement shone in her eyes as she showed him her sketches .
26 ‘ Tomorrow 's always another day , ’ she said , trotting out one of her many sayings , and he neither smiled nor mocked at her , but went downstairs to eat the supper which she had prepared for him , because that was the way she showed him her love and concern , and the least which he could do was respond to it .
27 She had already fallen in love with him , her whole heart had been surrendered , but he could never know that because he would have such power over her that she would never be able to deny him her body .
28 ‘ No-o-o ’ , I lie , and tell him her latest telephone pearl , which goes : ME : ‘ Any news ? ’
29 There , as they looked out over the River Thames , he ordered a meal and demanded that she tell him her life story .
30 She was more than willing — since Nuri was handsome as well as rich — to extend him her embraces ; but enter his harem ?
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