Example sentences of "[verb] i [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He probably wants to hit me again .
2 I did n't expect it to hit me quite so hard , but when I think about it it 's because I 'm so bloody sad that the last fourteen years were spent in dying not in living .
3 ‘ You 've frightened me stiff , ’ I said frankly .
4 And then Boy cut back to the man on the bed , who was saying ( actually it was a different man in a different room , Boy realised ; the sofa and the quilted nylon counterpane were in a different colour in this room , though the man sitting there looked just like the last one ) , the man was saying I like your shoes , please take off your shoes ; and Boy cut backwards and forwards between this man and the politician beginning to lose his self-control and saying I would just ask people to forgive me really and to forgive my wife as well .
5 What irritates me most about him is his way of speaking .
6 In fact , he irritates me intensely sometimes .
7 Sometimes he irritates me so much that I could scream at him .
8 ‘ Nothing irritates me more than righteous indignation , ’ he said lightly .
9 I had visited the apartment at least a dozen times , but I still found the fact of a lift opening directly into a living room incredibly impressive ; a proof of wealth as convincing as the possession of gold taps or of mink rugs or of the girl who waited to greet me just beyond the lift doors .
10 Erm well , you have n't heard me yet .
11 Below , on the terrace , Marie Claire had heard me open the windows .
12 You 've heard me often already chairman on this point .
13 ‘ On the contrary , she understands me very well and I 'm still free to play chess . ’
14 I know I 've made a lot of mistakes and there are probably a lot of things I should be sorry about but I would n't change my life , I would make the same mistakes because they 've taught me so much .
15 ‘ But one moment you hold me , the next you push me away . ’
16 push me away .
17 Listen to me , I goes , if you push me again I 'll grab your tit and pull it off .
18 You pushed it aside dear , like you push me aside
19 And if you push me much harder , I 'll wash my hands of the whole thing and tell the Committee I ca n't cope , and make it clear I want you out — out , do you understand ?
20 Yeah and I ca n't I ca n't get myself pushed cos if they push me too hard I usually ache .
21 Some of them tried to make amends for their own earlier contribution to this state of affairs and moved to include me more fully in the life of the school — a few even started to invite me back home for meals and things .
22 It would probably throw me completely If you
23 it would throw me completely if you put , if you changed some of the number plates over .
24 Things do n't throw me as much now .
25 Very great odium T. Poole incurred by bringing me here … when Wordsworth came & he likewise by T. Poole 's agency settled here — You can not conceive the tumult , calumnies , & apparatus of threatened persecutions which this event has occasioned round about us .
26 ‘ Thank you for bringing me here , ’ she said .
27 ‘ Thank you for bringing me here , ’ she said .
28 Refusing to rise to the bait , she visualised and counted ten elephants , a hangover habit from her childhood , then , her voice tightly controlled , asked , ‘ Would you please explain why you insisted on bringing me here instead of taking me to the Trevi ? ’
29 ‘ Do you remember bringing me here when I was very new to Monte Samana ? ’
30 ‘ I suppose you think bringing me home gives you the right to tell me which friends I should choose , do you ?
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