Example sentences of "[verb] to her " in BNC.

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1 Yet I vowed to do as much as possible for her comfort and happiness , to write to her and see her regularly , too .
2 He also had to be reminded to write to her , which he did ( in later years ) about every six weeks , just a dutiful account of where he had been , what he had done , with little of his usual animation .
3 I ventured to write to her , offering to send my manuscript if she wished , for ( as I said ) it would be a pity to make mistakes about a living writer who was there to correct them .
4 Before they had parted on the Flamingo she had given Ernest the name of the boardinghouse where the Carsons had made arrangements to stay , and he had promised to write to her the minute he and Charlotte arrived at their destination .
5 Even Nannerl was distressed by Wolfgang 's new attachment , and complained that he neglected to write to her and her father .
6 My doctor 's in England , but he promised to write to her before I arrived .
7 As soon as she could , Alina planned to write to her .
8 I had to explain to poor Isabella that Mr Edgar had refused to write to her .
9 And naturally his only means of getting in touch would be to write to her at the one address he knew : Elise 's cottage .
10 Accordingly I was glad to be able to write to her formally on 10 October :
11 I ought to write to her at some point .
12 I had a phone call to Israel the other night and somebody who is very experienced in stress prevention , but still she was afraid and just finding out how isolated those kind of , you know , how isolated they 're feeling out there , the fear of the chemical warfare , and maybe now I 'm able to write to her to reduce some of that isolation .
13 Any man who would do this is certainly not committed to her , could not possibly be committed to godliness , therefore the whole basis of their relationship is shattered .
14 He lies with her , as he lies to her , and she with and to him .
15 Her husband — there was no glow now — had clearly forgotten he was wed to her ; the link between him and this woman was almost visible .
16 It was strange how fascinating he was becoming to her , against her own wish that their relationship should remain strictly businesslike .
17 She was sure that he was strongly attracted to her — yes , loved her .
18 That he was attracted to her .
19 Myra sobbed as she told me that , although many men were attracted to her — and she to them — as soon as the relationship reached the stage of even the most innocent physical contact , such as a gentle kiss or even holding hands , something in her forced her to draw back and run away from the situation .
20 It was clear that he was attracted to her .
21 From the first night he had met her , when she had stood up to him in his own house , he had been attracted to her .
22 At times Anne felt sure that he was attracted to her , but if so why did he never ask to meet her , and why did he conceal these chance meetings from his family ?
23 The way he looked at her made her feel that he was attracted to her , yet always he seemed to draw back .
24 Melissa , remembering the events of the previous evening , was beginning to believe that it was not impossible for Dieter Erdle to be genuinely attracted to her .
25 Why did she have to meet the wrong man , and one who was so strongly attracted to her ?
26 Nathan Bryce was attracted to her , but that was all .
27 He was attracted to her , but basically , if he never touched her again , then it would be no great loss .
28 He was attracted to her but a man like Roman Wyatt did n't need to play tricks to keep a woman near him .
29 He was attracted to her , as any red-blooded male would be to any presentable woman in these circumstances , but that was as far as it went and it was up to her to make sure her own feelings did n't betray her .
30 He had been attracted to her , but Dana was so much livelier , her beauty so vivid and she would need consoling .
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