Example sentences of "[verb] have those " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Neither am I , querida , ’ he said slowly , ‘ but I wish that I 'd had those skills in Seville because it would have saved a lot of anguish .
2 She glanced over at him again , struggling against the memories of last night , the way it had felt to have those strong , tanned hands touching her , caressing her …
3 they 'd leave themselves open to some criticism erm because the beneficiaries of whoever otherwise may be entitled to the shares may have said I would like to have those shares .
4 ‘ The Staatsen-walt at Paderborn would like to have those death certificates .
5 ‘ Oh , so you 're just some sort of brief acquaintance , then ? ’ she murmured , adding softly as she prepared to sip her drink , so that only Robyn could catch her words , ‘ Luke tends to have those from time to time .
6 If those figures are right of four hundred and ten now you do n't need to be a real big mathematician , even at this time of night , but you , if you have the two hundred and thirty four out of commission and you 've got to have those cos that 's got ta be a rolling programme each four years .
7 We 've got to get the things to do but quite often if you are , we 've got to have those things to do you 've got finish by a particular time .
8 But you 've got to have those caravan , those vents because the van is so small and you 've got gas supplied .
9 Right , will you please put your assessment sheet , which is what we have done and your graph together and put them in the centre of the table , at the end of the lesson I 'm going to have those in centre of the table no I do n't want those , they go in your file .
10 If we 're going to have those in and out there then you are going to get accidents .
11 But what I meant was , we was always , going have those two .
12 ‘ Somebody 's children must have had those dolls out , ’ said their owner plausibly , ‘ since 1890 . ’
13 Giles 's girlfriend Venetia , meanwhile , encircled by the arms of Hargreaves , had started to laugh , and Giles began to laugh too : ‘ Oh Christ , sorry , Liz , sorry , Kate , ’ he declared , as he organized himself into a sitting position , his arms around his knees , ‘ I should never have had those two whiskies at the Venables ’ . ’
14 But if we had not had this event we would n't have had those problems.Its the issue of New Age Travellers and illegal parties that produce what you saw last night . ’
15 ‘ The Elonex cars used water-cooled brakes but Bertie could have had those if he wanted them .
16 They should n't have had those talks because things are far from settled .
17 Cos I could n't have had those .
18 Do you have to have those oh , so it counts as one
19 He was just a very extraordinary man and I was very fortunate to have had those twelve years .
20 If the Government do not have the power of veto and we risk having those directives imposed on us , it is an extremely serious matter .
21 Barry 's house had had those kind of stairs .
22 And the worst betrayal of all was the fact that , even as she sat there , she was wishing she had had those few short months …
23 It had 300 residential places ( and had had those for only a year ) .
24 ‘ I had had those moments myself , so I could appreciate them , ’ says Ray .
25 And two late passes a week and when you 've had those you can get in through the pantry window if the front door 's been locked . ’
26 We 've had those for twenty years .
27 We 've had those !
28 Seeing as we 've had those words for about a week I should think we do know them then .
29 I 've had those for years .
30 Erm we did an initial pilot run of nine hundred and seven , er and we had them redirected here which was quite fortunate cos we did find some er previously unthought of errors , erm there were two categories , these are ones where , since the renewal date , they 've had er a decrease erm sorry an increase which meant that erm we 're now quoting on their benefit statement as at last renewal , they 've got today 's er premium which of course is wrong , so we 've had those redirected in future , inside here .
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