Example sentences of "[verb] you [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Just one thing dough do n't buy ya in this town , fella ; total silence .
2 Bewitched you with her lying tales and slippery ways as well as my poor sister ! ’
3 ‘ He beat you to it , did n't he ? ’
4 She beat you to it .
5 Six six contracts all the same print so that if ever we shifted you or wanted you wanted to shift you from estate into to golf or to schools we do n't have to retrain you at all .
6 When a child loves you for a long , long time , says the Skin Horse , then you gradually become Real .
7 I think love is like , when somebody loves you , loves you for just being yourself
8 ‘ Though I know the Princesse loves you as if you were her own child .
9 But even if your romantic beau whispers ‘ I love you ’ daily in your shell-like , it does n't mean that he loves you in the way that you love him .
10 ‘ That 's the whole point — regardless , Miss Everett , that both you and I know that you 're never going to marry him anyway , Travis , who cares deeply for his family , ’ as you do , Leith could well have inserted , ‘ is only going to take it on the chin and let you go , by learning that the person you do love is a member of his family , who loves you in return . ’
11 ‘ I 'd like to catch you with your trousers down , young lady .
12 A load of camera gear assumes a life of its own , swinging round at awkward moments , trying to catch you off balance and topple you over the edge .
13 I had the almost childish impression that if we kept within the pools of light everything would be fine but , beyond the flames , shadows lurked and powers even darker waited to catch you by the throat .
14 So that 's a straight inheritance , does increase your gross expenditure of the Committee , and indeed does involve you , quite sensibly involve you in the total care package for those particular individuals who 're increasingly seen as your clients rather than health authority clients .
15 The fact is that from the moment you put fibre-rich food into your mouth it starts to give both physical and psychological advantages in filling you , satisfying you , protecting you from feeling hungry again soon , and speeding your weight loss .
16 ‘ He 's being kind to you — protecting you from the truth . ’
17 I just knew I was inspired when I proposed you for this job here , that it would come back to me in some incredible way .
18 ‘ And did n't we all know you for a darling girl ? ’ he whispered in her ear as his fingers continued to blaze fire across her exposed nape .
19 I had n't seen you for months I did n't know you for er
20 Do I know you at all ?
21 But a woman teacher can know you from the inside ; you can not hide from her so easily , or divert her attention .
22 I do n't know you from yesterday . "
23 Do n't I know you from somewhere ? ’
24 But only those who know me very well call me Fen , and I do n't know you from Adam — or perhaps I should say Eve . ’
25 Places , I can tell you I know somewhere looking at them and I think where do I know you from
26 ‘ I do know you by now .
27 You do you see things like that so tonight okay I helped you with sausages but you got most of it .
28 ‘ And this man you knew in your own world — the one who helped you with your stories .
29 Your father did the right thing by you did n't he , he helped you over the court case .
30 I even helped you to bed and did not demand to stay with you . ’
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