Example sentences of "[verb] that only " in BNC.

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1 Starting at the crowded favoured end is all very well if you can get a good clean start , but more often than not , there is so much crowding that only a few boards get away in clean wind .
2 While not denying that only individuals can ultimately feel the burden of taxation , absolutists feel that the corporation is a legal entity , an economic organism in and of itself .
3 If one also supposed that only one or two electrons could orbit at any one of these distances , this would solve the problem of the collapse of the atom , because the electrons could not spiral in any farther than to fill up the orbits with the least distances and energies .
4 Consultants evaluating the zones suggest that only 55 per cent of these jobs are net additional jobs in the zones ( P.A. Consultants , 1987 ) .
5 Optimistic courtiers suggest that only the marriage of the Queen 's youngest son , Prince Edward , to a suitable bride could redeem the popularity of the Monarchy .
6 Data obtained in the 1969 Census ( to which I have had access but which , to my knowledge , remain unpublished ) suggest that only 15% of the population spoke a mother tongue which was not closely related to one of the seven African broadcast languages .
7 our ILEA studies suggest that only about half the difference between reading scores of children from West Indian homes and their white counterparts may be accounted for by socio-economic factors .
8 While P P G twelve provides for a cascade of planning policy , I suggest that only a purist would delay a resolution of the needs of Greater York , through the development plan process , in order to await regional planning guidance .
9 Also , the results of many surveys in both the United States and the United Kingdom suggest that only a few firms explicitly take the rate of interest into account in deciding whether or not to carry out an investment project .
10 He adds that only two computer companies so far have sent manufacturing groups out to see what Crec is doing — IBM Corp , and ICL Plc , which has really turned on to ergonomics and the environment since it bought Nokia Data AB .
11 Michael Meacher and Frank Field have stressed that only a limited circle of people were actively involved in formulating the industrial policy proposals , and that beyond this circle , understanding of the proposals was rather minimal .
12 Christmas carols blared tinnily from a loudspeaker system overhead and from every shop window , or so it seemed , the public was reminded that only four more shopping days remained until Christmas .
13 The hon. Member for Ogmore said that the opinion polls demonstrated that only a limited number of people would be interested in total deregulation .
14 Although it might be expected that only the better-educated and wealthier sections of the community would watch television , the existence of the extended family system meant that the television sets owned by prosperous Zambians were also watched by a number of relatives who were less well off .
15 If the function of the leave requirement is to weed out unarguable or vexatious cases it might be expected that only a small proportion of cases would fail at this stage .
16 The version of Presentations we 've been looking at is a Beta 2 release , which means that it is very close to being the final code , and it 's expected that only bug-fixes and minor cosmetic changes will take place from this point forward .
17 While Roderick et al ( 1982 ) in their study of English universities report that only 25.9% of unqualified mature students obtain a ‘ good ’ degree , this is a percentage of all entrants rather than graduates , and is therefore not directly comparable with Bourner and Hamed and Walker 's figures .
18 Yates and Davies ( 1987 ) report that only 45% of former Access students who had entered higher education courses in science , technology and engineering were progressing satisfactorily , while Osborne and Woodrow ( 1989 ) in their study of mathematics , science and technology Access courses report success rates of between 56% and 78% for students who had entered higher education .
19 They also report that only 13.5%of women but 28%of men had withdrawn from their course .
20 It should not be forgotten that only the endowed chantries were confiscated under the Chantries Act ; the guilds still continued but more as funeral clubs than intercessionary fraternities .
21 Croatian President Franjo Tudjman made his name in the 1960s as a maverick historian who charged that only 30,000 people perished at the hands of the Ustashe fascists .
22 Marx maintained that only labour produces wealth .
23 While their opponents in 1830 believed that a considerable measure of parliamentary reform would lead to national catastrophe , the Whigs maintained that only a considerable measure could prevent a catastrophe …
24 In opposition to David Ricardo [ q.v. ] , he maintained that only when circulating capital increased did employment rise : any increase in fixed capital was unlikely to stimulate , and might significantly diminish , the demand for labour .
25 Fraser of Neill 's claimed that only " a few men can set music and only a few men can do a table and only a few men can do anything out of the way " . "
26 Cost savings have been made in levels of management , although it is claimed that only around 50 jobs have gone .
27 From January 1983 , married women will have the right to apply for Family Income Supplement ( a means-tested supplement for low wage-earners with children which currently specifies that only the husband in a married couple may apply ) and , provided the couple agree that she has been and is the main breadwinner , a married woman may then apply for means-tested supplementary benefit .
28 It has been suggsted that only soluble calcium ions precipitate fatty acids and bile acids , thus reducing their lytic activity .
29 This is particularly important when you realise that only 30% of West Belfast residents who are currently working actually work in West Belfast .
30 How come that only two really explicit anti-war records have so far surfaced ?
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