Example sentences of "[verb] that [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In justifying their policies , however , they sometimes stooped to making public statements that were palpable nonsense : denying that space heating was a peak load , and devoting efforts commensurate with those of the ostrich to shift discussion to more defensible territory .
2 No-one is denying that development should n't go on , as change is inevitable .
3 Denying that conflict is an a priori structure actualized in historical struggle , we have seen that Sartre does explain , through the category of the ‘ practico-inert ’ ( determining material conditions which have themselves been created by previous praxis ) , how individuals or classes in conflict produce a historical movement to which they are then subject .
4 He is surely also right that philosophical reflection gives adequate ground for denying that colour and value can be there independently of the consciousness of them .
5 Denying that EMX would be fettered by its platform , Soft-Switch president , Michael Zisman , said that running the software on multiple platforms was ‘ too support intensive ’ .
6 A senior London police officer was attempting to attract black recruits into the police force , whilst denying that racism in the force might have deterred black people from joining in the past : ‘ Racism in the force is not the main reason for black people preferring not to apply .
7 Whilst there is no denying that cartography in its more advanced forms was never seen as an integral part of geography , it is nevertheless true that as cartography adopted more advanced technology it became more remote from geography , possibly as a result of the relatively lower interest in technology among most geographers .
8 The President of the National Coal Association has rejected the latest government charges , denying that tampering is routine in large numbers of mines .
9 The Divisional Court ordered that the applicant 's motion be allowed for a declaration that before asking questions relating to an offence with which a person under investigation had been charged the Director of the Serious Fraud Office had to inform that person that he was not obliged to answer such questions but that , if they were answered , what was said might only be used in evidence against that person where he was charged with knowingly or recklessly making a false or misleading statement or where the answer was inconsistent with any evidence that he might give at a later criminal trial .
10 ‘ ( 1 ) Whether or not the Director of the Serious Fraud Office , in employing her powers under section 2 of the Criminal Justice Act 1987 in relation to a person under investigation who has been charged with an offence , is obliged by any principle of law , before asking any question or seeking any information in relation to that offence , to inform that person that he is not obliged to answer such questions , or provide such information , and , if so , by what principle of law .
11 ‘ Declaration granted that before asking questions relating to an offence with which a person under investigation had been charged , the Director of the Serious Fraud Office was required to inform that person that he was not obliged to answer such questions but , if they were answered , what was said might only be used in evidence against that person where he was charged with knowingly or recklessly making a false or misleading statement or where the answer was inconsistent with any evidence he might give at a later criminal trial .
12 These findings suggest that platelet activating factor may be involved in the progression of acute pancreatitis caused by infusion of caerulein but there is no experimental evidence so far to support this notion .
13 These data suggest that platelet activating factor may be involved in the pathogenesis of Crohn 's disease and that it could be used as a marker of the mucosal activity of the disease .
14 Therefore we suggest that platelet activating factor should be considered as a global mucosal activity marker .
15 As the regression analysis showed a significant correlation between platelet activating factor precursors and both acid and pepsin but no significant correlation between platelet activating factor precursors and NANA , we suggest that platelet activating factor precursors would not result from degraded gastric mucin .
16 Projections suggest that FUNCINPEC will have 57 seats in Cambodia 's constituent assembly , against the CPP 's 52 , with minor parties picking up the remaining 11 seats .
17 Both these forms of support suggest that video is a good medium for extended listening to the foreign language .
18 They suggest that reduction in growth begins early in gestation .
19 I suggest that release of vasoactive mediators from plasma proteins should be considered as a possible mechanism for pseudoallergy on the basis of recent studies on mediator displacement by a wide range of therapeutic drugs .
20 Most of the above theories suggest that leadership style is a question of choosing between two or more mutually exclusive leadership alternatives eg either democratic or authoritarian .
21 Reports from northern Somalia suggest that instability is , once again , growing and clan divisions widening .
22 The theories in psychology which appear to bear most directly on this possibility are those which suggest that memory is based on schemas .
23 In their conception , they suggest that memory should not be envisaged as a series of seperate stages ; sensory , short-term , and long term memory stores .
24 Similarly Sorich and Siebert ( 1982 ) suggest that contact can be a useful experience .
25 Mineral and chemical analyses suggest that porosity in the mud is 2–10 times greater than in the concretion , so we have multiplied the PLFA values measured in the latter by those factors ( all other measures are relative ) to allow comparison of microbial activities .
26 These theories suggest that collusion may or may not be successful in a particular market : that depends on the values taken by a set of market or firm-specific parameters .
27 These data suggest that calcium fluxes play a part in the normal functioning of the rectum and colon and imply potential use in the treatment of this disease .
28 The programme was designed to test the usefulness of the method in surface and mine environments and in drill cores.First results suggest that ammonium is a more efficient indicator of proximity to epithermal island-arc mineralisation than other commonly used lithogeochemical indicators .
29 The lagged dependent variables suggest that adjustment costs are of importance whilst the presence of lagged determinants of the desired stock suggests that there is more in the data than a simple first-order partial adjustment model might permit .
30 It is surprising that the laminations were preserved at all : conventional models suggest that bioturbation caused by the benthic sediment community will disrupt such laminations unless there is insufficient oxygen in the water to support the biological activity .
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