Example sentences of "[verb] of course " in BNC.

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1 But I , I do feel the Trade Descriptions Act is a is a very important er piece of consumer protection designed of course to protect not only you and me as consumer but also designed to protect traders against unfair trading practices .
2 ‘ I enjoy it ’ and ‘ It hurts ’ testify of course only to awareness of the immediate stimuli , and will always be outweighed if enlargement of awareness changes the response .
3 Now I do n't know of course who else may be er wishing to comment .
4 You will let me know of course if you think it better to discontinue this when I start the new treatment .
5 But I would n't know of course .
6 All these efforts do need of course to be assessed against their compliance or otherwise with national and regional guidance .
7 Formal logic can not cope with even so simple a contradiction , though we live with such conflicts as matters of course .
8 Given the arguments of the sceptics , such failures are only to be expected of course ; aiming to replace anxious intellectual despair with a calm peace of mind , the traditional Pyrrhonian response would have been to advocate suspension of judgement .
9 you know that is the , erm two or three things there , you 're working by yourself in your , your personal preparation prepa preparation are crucial parts , erm , if any of the people were thinking of going to erm , erm , a college , erm , the same sort of thing will arise and I suppose the big difference for if you do n't have lessons then I think I 'm right in saying you do n't necessarily have to go in , I do n't know whether that still applies , erm , you would be expected of course to erm , erm , to turn up at school here , erm , now there are advantages and disadvantages , you may feel that you prefer , knowing on your own what you 're like , you 'll prefer erm some fairly rigid rules , erm , because if there were n't rules you might think you 'd take advantage of us
10 The court has to consider the child 's welfare as the court 's paramount consideration , and also has to consider the various aspects referred to under section 1(3) , that is they have to consider the wishes of the children , their needs , the likely effects on the children of change , the characteristics of the children , the nature of the harm they have suffered and the capability of the parents or anybody else offering themselves as carers , which would include of course the grandparents in this case .
11 And I tears of course , you know , and er the poor old man he was a very small man , Mr , and er he lifted me up and told me never to mind , i could get another shilling .
12 What is actually happening of course we know in that case what is actually happening , because nerves erm er neurones in , in the base of the brain are actually sampling the blood flow as it goes through with sugar level and when the sugar level drops to a critical point , some of those neurones start to fire and as they fire gradually the message is passed on up to the higher brain centres and eventually you get the feeling you 're hungry .
13 It 's actually forgotten of course that Bristol is ne nearer London er than it is er to Cornwall .
14 And Rose of course .
15 He found of course that not all undergraduates were of a kind .
16 Well that 's interesting the Kipsigies are er traditional people who live in Kenya and if they have , in other words er men have to pay a certain amount to the erm you know , woman if they 're gon na marry her and what they did was they study the and related it to the , to the girl that was actually getting married and what they found of course was that it fits the predictions of our theory er just as you 'd expect , given that the cultural things you have to allow for like , like for example in that most traditional cultures they like er women to be plump as we 'll see in the , in the actually fat is critical to female fertility and er so they might not have been plump , so what they did was they simply weighed the girls and they compared their , their , their weights with , with the , with the and sure enough strong correlation the fatter the girl , the bigger the .
17 and erm the reorganizing of erm secondary education which all stemmed of course really from the nineteen forty four Act
18 Records can be added of course , but this will increase the packing density .
19 When you realise of course that there 's a hell of a lot of erm scope for well trained , well qualified engineers .
20 ‘ You realise of course that this Taczek character might take it further .
21 ‘ Miss Braithwaite , ’ he turned towards her with warmth ‘ I realise of course that you 're on holiday and I hate to intrude on your leisure , but since you have some knowledge already , I wonder , would you feel able , discreetly , of course , to make one or two enquiries ?
22 The text has of course been approved by our Chairman and is enclosed for your information .
23 Raskolnikov has of course outraged the human being in himself too ; the pad pad pad of the hunter and hunted relationship with Porfiry is intertwined with self-pursuit to the point where the murderer actually makes the running in the second of the three long interviews , arriving unsent-for and demanding interrogation ‘ according to the rules ’ , if interrogation there must be ; which leads Porfiry to exclaim : ‘ Good heavens !
24 The anger among Asian teenagers which Geeta and I noticed in 1974 has of course since then led to Asian boys hitting back .
25 Miller has of course suffered greatly .
26 The most publicised aspect of recent anti-viral research has of course been the work on interferon — part of the body 's natural defence against viruses .
27 Nigel Mansell , the man whom Senna beat last season , has of course , a Rug Nightmare and a Moustache Nightmare .
28 The latter point has of course long been recognised in academic psychology and from the 1950s onwards considerable effort was expended attempting to identify the unique features of creativity .
29 The work of women in both the RFC and RAF ( WAAF ) has of course been fully documented , but little has been written on the subject apart from in propaganda and other official literature .
30 The glamorous side of aviation , flying , has of course been brought to the attention of the public over the years ; but what of the ladies who drove staff cars , rode despatch motor cycles and undertook much arduous work often under enemy fire ?
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