Example sentences of "[prep] having [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Three months after having surgery on a brain tumour , Julia Somerville is welcomed back to ITN with a kiss from fellow newsreader Trevor McDonald .
2 Mrs Mellor was chauffeur driven to the Rock and taken back by car after having lunch with the boat party .
3 A MAN was up in court this week on a charge of indecency after having sex with a pig .
4 THE story of the twins who died in a barn fire after having sex with the men they were with is a tragic one .
5 He said she was known to be wanton and had become pregnant after having sex with numerous teenage boys .
6 Kissed after having sex .
7 All seemed to be in order , but next morning , after having trouble with one of the receivers , he went up again to make sure he had not inadvertently disturbed anything .
8 The Home Secretary is in my opinion entitled and bound to reach his own tariff decision , after having regard both to the judges ' tariff and to the factors such as public confidence in the administration of justice which Lord Scarman mentioned .
9 Dutch champions PSV were denied victory in a tough 2–2 Group B draw at Porto after having defender Adrie van Tiggelen sent off .
10 Defender Neil Ruddock is also expected to play after having wisdom teeth removed in an operation this week .
11 Defender Neil Ruddock is also expected to play after having wisdom teeth removed in an operation this week .
12 We hauled our weary bodies into the kitchen and make token gestures towards having breakfast .
13 The fact that the Erne outfit could only draw with Armagh on Sunday last despite having home advantage does not lessen McCabe 's optimism as he anticipates this week-end 's replay at the Athletic Grounds .
14 It is a measure of the seriousness with which the European issue divides the Conservative Party that the Prime Minister came within three votes of defeat over Maastricht — despite having Lib Dem support — in the paving vote last November .
15 For the most part , parents mistakenly thought their children were not legally entitled to vote , despite having voting cards , or they judged that their children would not understand what it was all about .
16 Cloughie , probably now less adaptable to sudden change than he used to be , has been hamstrung by the departure of two high class central defenders , whom he has been unable to replace despite having cash in the bank .
17 It was still possible to pay for private treatment in the health service , but for most people it was a case of having treatment " on the national health . "
18 Factors at work that cause stress include the physical demands of some jobs , such as poor working conditions , dangerous elements to the work , shift work and travel demands , as well as work overload , both in terms of having too much work to do , resulting in long hours , and of having work that is too difficult for the individual , causing anxiety .
19 Even if the Government and Opposition spokesmen are wedded to the idea of having King 's Cross as an interchange for the channel tunnel , they do not have to use the scheme proposed in the Bill .
20 rational — based on expectations of having choice in and control over career prospects and progress .
21 Similarly , the family metaphor celebrates the idea of having cooperation among the members of the enterprise and ensuring that any conflict will be directed towards the outside world .
22 This is the basis of your life ; there is no such thing as teaching in the sense of having knowledge injected into you .
23 Counselling was a completely new world to me and although in the past it had been suggested that to combat my periods of depression I might well think of having psychoanalysis , I am now glad I resisted .
24 As for the ideas of having reference to and being directed up oil , they too must be given sense consonant with the nature of the given contents and objects and the various modes of consciousness .
25 Although the numbers have fallen in the last decade , a high proportion of the world 's children do not even have the opportunity of having protection from some of the major childhood killers , diseases for which vaccines are available — measles for example is a major cause of childhood mortality .
26 They say the thought of having coach loads of inquistive tourists driving through the hamlet would turn their Paradise into a living Hell .
27 Ever since 1969 , when he had his first show , his cartoonish black-and-white paintings have managed to comment without mercy or a smidgen of socially redeeming tact on , among other things , men 's — and women 's — looks ( Warhol 's nosejob painting must be an important icon in his private gallery ) ; issues of health ( a hilarious series of men in the throes of having heart attacks ) ; bestiality ( pert Fifties housewife on her knees doing something unspeakable to a poodle with her arm ) and religion ( famous Biblical figure on the cross getting a pie in the face ) .
28 It also means that your chances of having heart disease are less .
29 ‘ And I am put in this ward under observation because I am suspected of having heart murmurs and also I am having surgery on my face .
30 Everybody , now you 've also got to accept the high percentage of having nay got a clue , eh what they 're doing , even after a week or a couple of weeks and it should n't er be here , but if you get somebody , nice er Michelle or Cathy , eh , or eh Adel
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