Example sentences of "[prep] us [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 And that Famlio had come after us to get it .
2 He who is the blameless party takes the initiative in running towards us to forgive .
3 The loamy bat-dung crawled with poisonous six-inch millipedes , and at one point we automatically prostrated ourselves amongst them as a horde of disturbed bats swept towards us to escape .
4 However thirty-six hours before she died she telephoned for some of us to visit ; she knew we had all been worried and concerned but she had it all under control .
5 My two brothers have worked for my father all their lives and there is n't really enough for the three of us to do .
6 There 's plenty of us to do the work . ’
7 There 's enough of us to do it .
8 would like to say er er and that is though councillor urges us to be more totally er which went on the housing committee I think it would be very wrong of us to do that , leaving that er the vote at the end of that particular debate was unrelated to and er these democracy that 's er situation .
9 Be too sordid for both of us to drink out of the bottle . ’
10 Are all the rest of us to give up and sit on our hands rather than serve humbly where we deserve ? ’
11 to me that it would be perverse of us to fall into the trap if we were to do so of endorsing Policy E two and not know that what we were endorsing was in fact what the Secretary of State specifically rejected on the grounds perhaps that it was unduly restricted or detailed or inappropriate for some of those other reasons that are set out in the earlier part of that notice of approval .
12 It would be wise for each of us to draw up our own list and carefully think through the issues involved in each .
13 They have every right to be different — it 's very presumptuous of us to invent personalities for them simply because we 've seen them act on a cinema screen , but it can still be a shock when they 're not as you 'd hoped .
14 And it helped to maintain that crazy '70s wartime austerity , by forcing millions of us to flush the lavatory with our bathwater , boil potatoes in the fish pond and wait in yet more queues , this time for standpipe water .
15 In his new role as a writer , how can he help the rest of us to earn £1 million ?
16 It is regarded as an individual revolutionary task for each of us to teach someone else who does n't know how to read and write .
17 After a few words with her husband she shook hands with me , kissed him on both cheeks , and then quickly disappeared down the cellar , leaving the two of us to finish off the champagne and burgundy .
18 ‘ Then there 's nothing more for either of us to say , ’ she accepted dully , turning away from him and then halting as the edge of her vision caught the movement he made towards her .
19 It is likely that most of the country will be influenced by hose pipe bans during this summer , therefore it will be necessary for most of us to use buckets .
20 for all of us to hold ,
21 My mum dabbed her eyes with her handkerchief and said , ‘ Arnold Bottomley had a seizure when he was on a canal boat and it took four of us to hold him , although he had been so easy-going on other trips , especially the Greek one that I did n't go on .
22 Erm , I think I answered this question this morning in response to erm Miss Whitaker 's erm er question to me , erm Hambledon 's objection to the principle of a new settlement is based upon , erm , our interpretation of P P G three , we feel that , as I said , it would be disingenuous of us to support the principle at this stage knowing that we were unwilling to accept a new settlement in Hambledon .
23 This was Madge , who made costumes for the rest of us to wear at the party nights .
24 She would like one of us to call tomorrow to clip the budgies ' claws and give boosters to the cats . ’
25 ‘ Trouble is , ’ Lawton said , with a frown , ‘ there are n't enough of us to search the ship .
26 In ( 79 ) it is not just the action itself which is asserted : ( 79 ) He had a singular red cap on — not like a sailor 's cap , but of a finer colour ; and as the few yielding planks between him and destruction rolled and bulged , and his anticipative death-knell rung , he was seen by all of us to wave it .
27 With planning it is possible for all of us to clarify our thoughts about our hopes and future needs .
28 There 's fifty of us to put on it .
29 ‘ With such a cultural heritage , Koreans are better placed than many of us to appreciate the dangers which confront us and the need for action before it is too late . ’
30 Now of course it has n't needed a lambast from the likes of us to prompt the breakdown of pop entry .
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