Example sentences of "[prep] him [art] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm Froggy 's only relation , and I reckon I deserve the money after looking after him every winter for years .
2 So Adam slipped out of Castell Coch at dusk , and himself carried the word to Owen in his camp in the woods overlooking Cegidfa ; and a beggar who had hung about the gates for some days and been fed from the kitchens went after him every step of the way .
3 She stumbled after him the length of the church portico , bumping against him when he came to a sudden stop .
4 Up the hill from the south-west a gentle breeze was blowing , and opposite him a huge chestnut tree , already infected with the beautiful rust of autumn , stirred in sympathy with the wind .
5 Opposite him a woman leaned out of the window of her own apartment and shouted at him .
6 Opposite him a display showed Gene Kelly , Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers all dancing together , watched by a group of admiring figures .
7 Jess edged towards him a fraction , sniffing ; wanting to find out what her nose would tell her .
8 The next he knew there was a shape in the sky to his left , moving fast towards him a little from below .
9 He commented on how much nicer towards him the family seemed to be , including Michael , who had been telling him about his own problems at work .
10 He thrust towards him the most recent attempt at a letter for publication .
11 On the shelf below him the old man was vomiting again , too weak even to roll over so that blood and mucus oozed down his chin and neck , some of it bubbling back into his throat .
12 Far below him the river was a silver thread , curling and twining through meadows freshly green in sunlight ; and beyond it the folded hillocks rose plumed with clumps of trees , heaving and falling in a series of green bowls all along the flank of the dimpled ridge that soared to the dark green of woodland above .
13 And long after Dana had left me , I still thought of him every day , and from time to time wrote poems about him , like this one which came to me after several viewings of a film that greatly disturbed and fascinated me , Pasolini 's Teorema :
14 When Dorothy , a former nurse , claimed , ‘ We 're crazy about each other , I think of him every waking moment , ’ you believed every word .
15 These charities were originally administered by the Church or trustees appointed by the old vestry meetings , but with the Local Government Act of 1894 , they passed into the hands of the new parish councils , or such as still existed , for in 1893 , we find the local vicar complaining that most of the charities were dead and buried , and that Thomas Towers promised to give twenty shillings each Christmas Day , very kind of him no doubt , but unfortunately he left no provision for anybody to give it after he was dead , so that in his case he and benefaction are both dead and buried .
16 They had requested of him a single large living room , an ample eating room and ‘ no useless drawingroom ’ .
17 Ahead of him a rivulet trickled towards the river .
18 Ahead of him a morose-looking man in a cardigan was sorting through slabs of meat in plastic containers .
19 During the evening she caught sight of him a few times , always dancing , holding his partners very close , and managing to avoid her eyes .
20 There seemed to be a leader , an enormously tall man with a long , heavy , gold chain round his neck who bore in front of him a large picture of somebody , framed in rough wood .
21 Fourteen points put Master James eighth in the championship and Hesketh made of him a public figure , a British hope at a time when Graham Hill , Mike Hailwood and others were fading from the scene and Jackie Stewart was about to retire .
22 I think of him a lot , you know .
23 Ahead of him a shadowy figure stood a dozen yards away , both arms raised , the hands holding what looked like a gun .
24 The new myth , the myth of the siamese twins will make of him a forgotten bogey .
25 Ahead , jamming the traffic into long impatient queues , was a procession consisting of the groom sitting on a white stallion , and clutching in front of him a small boy , an empty marriage rath ( chariot ) , a brass band , twenty rogues carrying portable striplights and , bringing up the rear , a scattering of eunuchs , dancing around , soliciting money and flashing at passers-by .
26 Ahead of him a whole spinney of the tree men awaited .
27 Yeltsin presented Gorbachev with a fait accompli at the RSFSR Supreme Soviet , when on Aug. 23 he signed in front of him a decree suspending the activity of the Russian Communist Party ( RCP ) , " pending the investigation by juridical bodies of its involvement in all these events " .
28 One of Isambard 's advance party , and by the cut of him a man of importance .
29 A yard in front of him a door opened smartly and two women emerged ; both made for the car .
30 the end of the last straw you see , so I went in the Co-Op and I felt really , really fed up , I said I oh I said I could cry I said because I 've tried so hard I said not for lending you money I said , I 'm not meant to have any sodding luck so got a couple of bits and I really could n't get me act together and on the Tuesday dad 's gone in hospital with that fit , so I was thinking of him a lot and I thought I do n't know dad , you know I 'm sure , I 'm sure that he were n't gon na come out when he went in there , I thought they were gon na bloody find something with you boy and that would be it , so I come home here and I ai n't done no work , so I started off for work , both sitting here bloody bawling cos this house looked like shit , spoke to me sister on the phone and er I felt a bit better so I thought oh I 'd start doing the tree , so I pulled it all to bits in here , got the polish and duster out , put all the bread and everything for Alan 's sandwiches , it 'd be about oh , about half past twelve and the bloody phone went it was mum , she said Lyn do you think you can come up to the hospital with me , cos I 've got no transport and so I said what 's up then mum ?
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