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1 As Afshan Begum explains in her thesis ‘ In many cases parents expect that the girl will , whenever they demand , give up everything ( e.g. a course in further education or training or a career ) and submit without question to a marriage they have arranged for her … these hidden cases which no one gets to hear about are the real tragedies . ’
2 Could it be that the only people they really care about are the ones who can afford big cars and foreign holidays ?
3 What I am talking about are the contexts in which people have sexual relationships .
4 ‘ The experts I 'm talking about are the ex-members of various secret services and police forces .
5 As Nayacakalou ( 1961 , p. 125 ) has said , ‘ the people in a village can not be bothered with neat pigeonholes — what they are concerned about are the exigencies of their daily lives ’ .
6 The main points to think — about are the positioning of the boiler and hot water cylinder , the sizes and running of pipes , the types to be used and the avoidance of airlocks .
7 But because they have to leave by 10pm , all they have time for are the basic tasks , such as cooking dinner , feeding Elaine , taking off her make-up and getting her ready for bed .
8 What Fussell is looking for are the records of the little people , to discover what the war was like for them .
9 Newer cars to look for are the Citroen BX range , the Peugeot 205 and 309 GRTD , and , if your pocket runs to it , Renault 's smashing little Clio RN1.9D or Citroen 's brilliant ZX Reflex 1.9D .
10 All you have to pay for are the meals .
11 WHAT TO LISTEN FOR Are the walls solid or can you hear the neighbours clearly through them ?
12 What we are looking for are the exceptional unsung heroes and heroines in other walks of life . ’
13 What you 're aiming for are the receding depths of the river concealing its greater mysteries , while your fish flirt unawares in the foreground …
14 Some good ones to look out for are the 1940's style Retro Dryer from Clairol , £24.95 .
15 The idea is to spend a few days at a hotel and all you have to pay for are the meals and any extras , such as wine .
16 No , the only buggers Sam Snort has any time for are the boys down in the gay bars who have affectively tendered their resignation from the Snortian fields of romantic endeavour .
17 While it was the foetus or child en ventre sa mère who was injured , the damages sued for are the damages suffered by the plaintiff Ann since birth and which she will continue to suffer as a result of that injury .
18 Other subtle , country hues to look out for are the Alabaster and Mushroom Duo Signature eyeshadow box in Estée Lauder 's 1990 make-up collection ; Shiseido 's Pearl and Onyx Triple System Eyeshadow shades from the Subtle Contrasts collection ; and for the eyelashes , Guerlain 's new treatment Starcils mascara in shades Brun and Noir .
19 One of the most welcome sights around Hailing which we can thank the Romans for are the pheasants , it is reckoned they were first introduced by them and were quickly established here in Kent .
20 The areas through are the safe was only built fifteen years ago , right the way through .
21 In between are the ‘ fair ’ judges , whose judgement is seen to be unaffected by mood or the time of the day , and whose punishment fits the crime .
22 What we are slowly making our way towards are the pictorial consequences of Rosenberg 's nothingness and the fatality .
23 The switches I find the most awkward to deal with are the mains rotary on/off switches that are supplied by several of the main electronic component retailers .
24 Pretty soon , if you consider that the only gags he feels at home with are the ones that get stuffed in his mouth in the interest of his , er , research .
25 The obligations to be dealt with are the same , but the approach is very different as between the buyer and the seller .
26 And it 's self employment so the couriers that we er supplied with the parcels with are the p- umm er , they 're liable for tax and insurance if any is due , I mean earn a certain amount of money before you start
27 He 's always fore he 's forever contrasting er these these er centres in Highfields with his village halls and er small village halls and that and that 's very , the very truth , I 'd like to refer him and he knows as well as I do that what he should really be comparing with are the youth and community provision across the county which is an enormous amount in excess of the amount we put into old people 's homes and as Mr so rightly said , they 're problems were gon na have to grapple with in the future and so you then look at what has been suggested , what has been proposed and the point that Professor made about the Labour party having to make it work , is because it is they and everybody knows it 's they have been five membering this thing all the way through .
28 Yes , I do believe in trying to persuade people that the things I believe in are the things they should follow …
29 And when people like Michael Bilington from the Guardian comes here what they are interested in are the Irish shows , not the visiting productions which they can see anytime .
30 What I want to concentrate upon are the different models used in order to explain basic theological terms .
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