Example sentences of "[prep] the [verb] " in BNC.

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1 With extreme versions of the Type 11 systems , there would appear little health care planning role for the home health authority and little scope for ensuring that local needs and priorities are met , although , of course , business planning would be necessary for the providing authorities/ hospitals .
2 The coffee duly arrives , and Julian settles back to make all the necessary phone calls for the shoot the following day .
3 As well as a mid-day meal , stimulating activities are arranged ; and these , plus the company , can make an enjoyable break for the cared for as well as the carer .
4 But it 's not just fun for the grown ups .
5 Well you know , flowers and vegetables are all very well for the grown ups but for children , not so good .
6 There is no classical explanation for the slowing down ; however , the rate of energy loss is exactly that expected via gravitational radiation .
7 Heavy vehicles , slowing down to allow people to cross , are often overtaken by cars , unaware of the crossing and the reason for the slowing heavy vehicle .
8 One of the most electric and abrasive of contemporary dramatists is Steven Berkoff , who uses big classical rhythms in his work , which calls for the sustaining power of ‘ total ’ theatre , rather than naturalistic treatment .
9 Method 2 is practical if the closeup was shot at a zoom setting which leaves sufficient range for the pull back although cutting without a change of angle can give the appearance of a jump cut .
10 for the pull back to Huddersfield .
11 Funds available for the built heritage
12 The leaflet , Raising the Standard for the Built Heritage , is part of the Government 's Citizen 's Charter initiative .
13 Washington Comment : The fight is on for the Fed to reserve its independence
14 This makes it awkward for the Fed to act early .
15 He was in a tiny Auster , ill-equipped for the buffeting it was getting .
16 Now , it 's time for the rewrite .
17 Now , it 's time for the rewrite .
18 That 's what we mean , that 's why we 're What do you say , to consider for the to pick up many details .
19 Then inversion of the expressions so obtained for the transforms of the dependent variables gives the viscoelastic solution for these variables .
20 The deal will be funded by a $150m loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction & Development , earmarked for the Catching up with European Higher Education Project .
21 General systems theory is the product of various philosophers of science , such as Bertalanffy and Laszlo , and is an important area of study for the intending classification theorist .
22 The sport 's governing body announced plans in 1986 for the phasing out of turbos , to be complete by the start of the 1989 season .
23 Throughout the latter part of 1989 discussions continued on modalities for the integration of the textiles and clothing sector into GATT on the basis of strengthened GATT rules and discipline , and , particularly at the instigation of exporting countries , on proposals for the phasing out of restrictions under the Multifibre Arrangement ( MFA-see pp. 35028-29-which was due to expire in July 1990 ) .
24 A Cabinet decree published on May 19 provided the framework for the phasing out of the system by which workers laid off due to lack of raw materials continued to receive 80 per cent of their salaries .
25 But a simple classification into the morally superior and inferior , though adequate to distinguish the ‘ respectable ’ from the drunken and licentious labouring mass , was plainly no longer adequate , except for the striving lower middle class , if only because the ancient virtues were no longer visibly applicable to the successful and wealthy bourgeoisie .
26 for the to pump water to the hill .
27 The tusks branched , one limb reaching up to the leafy mass on the head , the other reaching down , becoming tendrillar , tendrils curling round the torso and the arms , then down the spindly legs , supplying lobate oak-leaves as a covering for the scored , scoured , bark-like flesh below .
28 An omit ( 2 F -F c ) stereo map of the active centre with the final model ( His15 , Ala16 and Arg17 ) superimposed ; for the omit map calculation , residues 15–17 were left out of both the least-squares refinement and the map calculation ; the map is contoured at a 1.0 level .
29 The lobster plates were removed by Emily , and replaced by Alice with bowls for the entree and plates for the remove to follow .
30 From New Bond Street I drove down to historic Cliveden near Taplow , for many years the home of the Astor family , which made a lovely setting for the Looking Glass Ball in aid of the Royal National Institute for the Blind 's Looking Glass Appeal .
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