Example sentences of "[prep] to [be] " in BNC.

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31 One of them , Peter Cornwell , later published a sunlit retrospect of what it was like to be one of Ebor 's ordinands , and how he valued the privilege that the bishop who ordained him was a thinker , as he put it , so profound .
32 But the pleasures are , of course , those of youth , and Lewis at the age of forty seems to have forgotten what it was like to be young .
33 Imagine , for a moment , what it must be like to be the parent of young children in a poor community in Bangladesh or Mozambique .
34 The Sports Minister , more than most , knows what it 's like to be in with a dangerous hooker . ’
35 THE energy secretary found out this week what it is like to be stomped on by Washington 's green lobby .
36 For the first time in years he felt what it was like to be a truly free man .
37 Jinny wondered for the hundredth time what it was like to be in a family which sat up and watched the television of an evening .
38 What would Keith say if he really knew what it was like to be a Slattery ?
39 What it was like to be in the hot seat in front of his permanent sub-committee was described by the editor of the New York Post , James Wechsler : ‘ The grand inquisitor was by turns truculent , contemptuous and bland .
40 ‘ I wanted to show the reader what it was like to be me .
41 In the example above , so that children might imagine what it is like to be blind , the teacher invites them to deprive themselves temporarily of their sight .
42 I looked on these two girls with awe , and shuddered to think what it would be like to be in their position .
43 But this is like to be a boring trip , see you — business , just .
44 He went home with a couple who had been together for twelve years , not because he wanted to know what it would be like to be made love to by two men at once , but rather to see how these particular two men lived as a couple ; specifically , what they did together in the morning before going to work .
45 They want to find out what it would be like to be a woman freed from all those age-old taboos .
46 The schedule designer must for every be putting himself or herself into the respondents ' shoes and trying to imagine what it would be like to be asked this question by a stranger who just turned up a few minutes ago out of the blue .
47 A commonplace fault among schedule designers , as mentioned earlier , is not thinking enough about what it is like to be on the receiving end of the questions .
48 The reader feels what it is like to be the member of a minority group , to live in wartime , to be handicapped , to be hopelessly in love , or to be bullied at school .
49 Had we forgotten what it was like to be young ?
50 But already she knew what it was like to be going home .
51 Fury at the behaviour of the other , or at what the other symbolizes , can be a desperate attempt to get physically and emotionally closer by sharing the experience of what it is like to be battered .
52 Deborah Moggach talks to Olivia Abbott about what it was like to be young , embarrassed , and in Bristol
53 A bit nosey , that was all , and Margaret understood what it was like to be nosey .
54 In a few generations , of course , people would want girls again , and values and fashions would change … but in the meantime , what would it be like to be one of an endangered species ?
55 The fragment sheds some illumination on what it was like to be a feminist 50 years ago , though we would point out that it was written 20 years after the event with all the problems of interpretation that implies .
56 As I picked my way through the frozen woods towards the observation post which commands a unique view over the former battle-ground of the Marne , I wondered what it must have been like to be a soldier .
57 This was to keep alive , in boys whose privileged background might have encouraged complacent acceptance rather than active pursuit of power , a keen appreciation of what it was like to have it , and what it was like to be without it .
58 I hope this article has given you some insight into what it 's like to be on the receiving end of your cichlid queries .
59 Grab your chance : explain what it is like to be confronted with a subject without any preparation .
60 She lifted her chilly hands into the air and proclaimed : ‘ I rrremember what it was like to be a toad . ’
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