Example sentences of "[prep] the term " in BNC.

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1 I was pleased that the supplementary guidance for the terms of reference for my Working Group mentioned both information technology ( IT ) and media studies : ‘ English teaching will provide one appropriate context … for developing information handling skills , … and for media studies …
2 Hence our preference for the terms ‘ peace ’ and ‘ peaceful ’ which embody all the advantages of markedness while at the same time better express our general position in this particular instance .
3 So much for the terms of Poulantzas ' theory .
4 However , there was considerable pressure for the terms of retirement to be such that older people could maintain economic independence .
5 ‘ As for the terms in which St Paul expressed it — well , there you are he used any sort of figure that came to hand : he picked up a rhetorical metaphor from a cynic preaching in the market … .
6 We are therefore at liberty to choose unc and then unc Elimination of p , 1 from these three equations yields unc Note that , since unc this is precisely the same as Equation ( 3 ) ; however , in the iteration case , it is only true when the iterations have proceeded sufficiently far for the terms in 3 , 4 to disappear , when cs consists only of p .
7 As far as Yugoslavs were concerned , not only was Eighth Army fully in support of 5 Corps " agreement with Ivanovitch , and asking for the terms of the " Distone order " , FX 77268 to be set aside .
8 Indeed , in another passage in the Ali differentiates the haric elli ( and 40-akce ) and dahil grades of medreses on the basis not of geographical location but of their builders — the 40-akce and medreses being the foundations of the families of pre-Ottoman rulers and [ Ottoman ] vezirs and emirs , the medreses the foundations of the families of Ottoman sultans — method of classification which accords rather better with the actualities of his time ( late sixteenth century ) but which provides no apparent explanation for the terms themselves .
9 Also a logical framework of definitions for the terms used had been established which demonstrated the consistency of the source .
10 Elected twice subsequently as President , for the terms 1953-58 and 1970-74 , he was acknowledged as the founder of modern Costa Rica .
11 Lastly , cl 4.5 provides for the terms and conditions of supply which will govern all orders placed under the agreement .
12 If the terms are to be tailored to fit the client , the client must be " measured " for the terms .
13 The first requirement is for the terms to be written in grammatically correct English — errors of grammar may disguise or even distort the meaning of a term .
14 There is no absolute requirement for the terms to be printed on the document which incorporates them into the contract .
15 Indeed , because of the court 's limited power , the policy of ultimate caution must be for the terms of any conveyancing documentation to be agreed between the respective solicitors before the consent order is applied for .
16 Unless any cash payment is passing which is required by the husband for the purchase of another property , a contract would appear to be unnecessary and is certainly not required if the transaction is to be carried out following a court order ( whether by consent or otherwise ) as application can always be made to the court for the terms of the order to be carried out ( see Chapter 8 ) .
17 This is the same reader who , having decided that the ‘ Envoi ’ is ‘ literary , in a limiting sense ’ , is provoked by the word ‘ magic ’ in the middle stanza into deciding that ‘ the term ‘ literary ’ becomes a good deal more limiting , for the term ‘ aesthetic ’ rises to our lips , and so , perhaps , does ‘ American ’ ' And there we have it !
18 Such grants are based on the Statute of Monopolies 1623 , which , while in general prohibiting the grant of monopolies , made an exception in favour of patents ‘ for the term of fourteen years or under for the sole working or making of any manner of new manufactures within the realm to the true and first inventor or inventors of such manufactures , which others at the time of making such letters patent and grants shall not use ’ .
19 dates for the term ;
20 Britain contains three areas that vie for the term of a ‘ mini ’ Silicon Valley ; they are centred on Bristol , Reading and Cambridge .
21 The landlord hereby demises unto the Tenant ALL THAT messuage or dwelling-house with the outbuildings and garden attached thereto and forming part thereof known as Number 10 Downing Lane Old Fableland in the County of Humberside which premises are outlined in red on the Plan annexed to these presents EXCEPT AND RESERVING AND SUBJECT to the exceptions and reservations set out in the Schedule hereto TO HOLD the same unto the Tenant from the 25th day of December 1986 for the term of seven years PAYING therefore the net yearly rent of £2500 clear of all deductions by equal quarterly instalments commencing on the 25th day of December 1986 next and thereafter on the usual quarter days .
22 As for the term ‘ addictive ’ , by some oversight the full OED has never recognised its existence at all .
23 I had emerged from apathy into active aggression , and my housemistress 's report for the term includes the advice , ‘ Sheila must learn to curb her natural exuberance . ’
24 It is unlikely that many Europeans would have had access to Aristotle 's writings , but the cuckoo 's habits were certainly well enough known during the Middle Ages for them to be mentioned by Chaucer ( in The Parlement of Foules , 1382 ) , and for the term ‘ cuckold ’ — describing a man deceived by his wife — to have passed into the English language .
25 For the term obtained from equations ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) , in the real image term of equation ( 6 ) , if r is not equal to a substrate atom position β i in a transform , the summations give rise to a small value because the scattering factors and the exponents are oscillating complex functions in the transform ; when r is equal to tend to cancel out the scattering path length contributions and the scattering factors to unity , and summations should produce a large value .
26 Hence my preference for the term ‘ place ’ , which has not been promoted by any of the other writers .
27 If you have not trained your lecturer to give you the information to which you are entitled — that he is to deal with such and such a topic on specific days — then get started with a process of attrition , backed by your friends , until he does produce a programme for the term .
28 The Act also provides for the setting up of new procedures for the identification of children with special educational needs and for the establishment of a new definition for the term .
29 What emerges from his judgment is two meanings for the term unreasonable .
30 This would not have had the same meaning as it has today for the term park originally meant land enclosed to keep beasts for hunting or ornamental purposes .
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