Example sentences of "[prep] too few " in BNC.

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1 One club that has shut down permanently is The Brain in London , a victim of too few clubbers with too little money after one good summer too many .
2 The crucial assumption underlying this analysis , in contrast to those which have focused on the rate of growth of labour supply and the idea of too few producers , is that the achievement of higher productivity is a prior condition for and not a consequence of a higher rate of growth of the manufacturing labour force [ cf.
3 And in a social context of too few well-trained and experienced mathematics teachers , where the parents of boys are more likely to complain if their children are badly taught , the girls ' classes may well be assigned the less competent or less experienced teachers .
4 The use of too few coordinate points will result in angular boundaries while the use of too many points is uneconomical as a printer is only capable of resolving position to within one character position .
5 But it 's been the same all season — we 've asked too much of too few . ’
6 Football asks too much of too few of its most able sons .
7 There were too many organizational structures with too few members and even less real action .
8 Racecourses , in an effort to win more of the levy pot , lay on too many races with too few horses .
9 However , the regional government could not afford to take them over , so many of these community schools were overcrowded , under-funded , with too few , and untrained teachers .
10 With too few rows worked between it will probably look too fat and squashed ; it may even make the work very solid .
11 A media theory for the 21 st century needs to consider these changed circumstances and , more fundamentally , whether we have come , or been led , to expect too much from means of mass communication which are so obviously and primarily economic enterprises with too few available resources to tackle the range of issues that occupy today 's citizen .
12 The experience of GCSE reform demonstrates the dangers of moving too fast with too few resources .
13 The simple fact is that commitment and resource must be kept in rough equilibrium ; at the moment the infantry is being asked to do too much , with too few battalions .
14 It is probably better to start off with too many regulators which can then merge , rather than starting off with too few and attempting to build on them .
15 noted that the press was falling into too few hands to allow for a proper ‘ marketplace of ideas ’ to operate .
16 A second , and deeper , cause of the depression was that too much of the income from the prosperous 20s was going into too few hands .
17 What is new is that we have moved from too few qualified nurses coming to work in the operating theatres , to not enough people entering nursing .
18 Unlike the Church of England , Nonconformity suffered not from too few but from too many candidates .
19 Even more , the thesis that the economy has suffered from too few producers in the manufacturing sector rings very hollow indeed [ Kaldor , 1966 , 1968 , 1975 ] .
20 In addition to the absence of state control , the ownership of the press , and indeed the media , should not be concentrated in too few hands .
21 When the Tate divides up , the two sections should likewise be totally divorced , which would avoid the centrality of power being in too few hands .
22 Indubitably , too much land was concentrated in too few hands though the agricultural reasons for extensive farming were not always appreciated .
23 This can , of course , create very undesirable consequences : social stability may be endangered by concentration of too much power and/ or wealth in too few hands ; the privacy of citizens may be abused under the excuse of maintaining law and order , or for commercial gains ; the state may take a " big brother " role ; the business community may acquire too much political power ; or , although very unlikely , IT experts may decide that they should take over the running of the country , since it is only they who can understand the unnecessary complexity of IT systems .
24 In too few cases has the reduction been accompanied by an admission that the new base will be more sustainable in future .
25 Add to this a few arguments related to the preservation of choice , local market knowledge , and participation in technology transfer , and you have the case for not allowing air transport power to be concentrated in too few hands .
26 Zeneca admits that it has concentrated on too few products .
27 Undoubtedly , the WFS data are affected by both sampling and response errors , and in many cases infant mortality rates for maternal ages under 20 and over 40 are based on too few cases ( less than 500 births ) .
28 There was anxiety that judgments would be made about teachers ' handling of classes , based on too few visits .
29 In the example of Figure 15–5 a tax on meals leads to too few meals being produced .
30 Free market equilibrium leads to too few improvements .
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