Example sentences of "[prep] people would " in BNC.

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1 Crime and Punishment was different in that Dostoevsky never supposed lots of people would begin committing Raskolnikov-type murders ; Danilov doing so was enough to produce from him the exclamation ‘ It has happened ! ’
2 ‘ A lot of people would never deny the Shangri-Las , a great band produced by Shadow Morton , were fake girl singers going along with the producer 's ideas . ’
3 ‘ I am sure a lot of people would like to have a film made at their home but then I 'm sure a lot of people would loath the disruption , ’ she said .
4 ‘ I am sure a lot of people would like to have a film made at their home but then I 'm sure a lot of people would loath the disruption , ’ she said .
5 I myself would be proud to donate to a fund of this kind , as I think a lot of people would .
6 Supplies to millions of people would be affected .
7 Nowadays , the majority of people would regard it as a perfectly natural variation to be indulged in should both partners feel like it .
8 I went home and reported this to Mum who explained to me that the fire meant that a lot of people would now be out of work until the Laundry was rebuilt .
9 Crowds of people would line the banks through the little villages , never tiring at the sight of their own local natural phenomenon , until the great waves finally smashed themselves to extinction against the weirs of Gloucester City .
10 He predicts that , while 50 per cent of people would die from a dose of 600 rads , only 5 per cent would die after a dose of 400 rads .
11 A lot of people would welcome statements from each of them :
12 He looked so like a frog , being literally green with fright , with his eyes nearly popping out of his head , that Breeze wanted to laugh ; but she did n't , because she knew that this curious , gaping crowd of people would think she was hysterical .
13 Around the corner , in Rutherglen Road , a small knot of people would gather outside the office of the Hebrew Burial Society , awaiting the hearse and accompanying vehicles .
14 It seems to me that you 're a bunch of people having fun doing what you do , and I think a lot of people would like to be able to say the same .
15 The ‘ doomsters ’ would have been discredited , and you can be sure that plenty of people would have pointed this out forcefully .
16 Even the most saintly of people would drift towards complacency and arrogance after such a long period .
17 ‘ It would mean tying up cars for four to five days — and a lot of people would n't get buried . ’
18 The building of two council estates meant that large numbers of people would be moving into the area .
19 We knew very little about these last clients of the season except that they were two attorneys and a proctologist , all from Georgia and all vacationing with their wives , and we also knew that one of the wives was a vegetarian and that the proctologist hated pasta , but beyond that our guests were utter strangers and so we waited nervously to see what kind of people would be our companions and paymasters for the next week .
20 A lot of people would have been uncomfortable or jittery , having a bodyguard at their elbow .
21 A lot of people would like to join him in those sentiments …
22 Without her care , friendship and encouragement a lot of people would have given up .
23 ‘ The crash happened at a time when a lot of people would have been in their homes . ’
24 ‘ The crash happened at a time when a lot of people would have been in their homes watching TV .
25 It 's a fair bet that 90 per cent of people would admit to a maelstrom of confusion over the facts behind the tragedy of the country which was once called Yugoslavia .
26 He also came second on the day , but I 'm sure a lot of people would like to have seen him win .
27 A lot of people would say .
28 But my mother 's never been a great one for housework and I think my standards are probably like hers … as long as things do n't get filthy , I 'm happy , but a lot of people would n't be satisfied with that .
29 The idea of travelling between areas to take advantage of shorter waiting times appears to have some public support as Leathard ( 1990 ) quotes a survey which suggests that 40 per cent of people would go anywhere in the country to avoid waiting for treatment .
30 Yes lots of people would like to see Disneyland .
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