Example sentences of "[prep] come [adv] " in BNC.

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1 How long did it take you for to come round ?
2 Oh God yeah I 'm just waiting for to come in now .
3 I see on the agenda this morning that an invitation has been extended for to come along and speak to us .
4 After coming here I worked for four months in a sweet factory in Stratford .
5 It 's said they were so close she 'd be after coming over when he disappeared .
6 After coming up with at least an estimate of your starting point , you need to decide where you want to go .
7 After coming up with the idea of the specialised oil , Augusto Odone contacted a dozen scientists around the world working on myelin repair .
8 ‘ The first thing I want is a bath , ’ said Kenichi Horie after coming ashore on the southern island of Okinawa .
9 Not one has ever fallen victim to a gangland-style hit after coming forward with solid information .
10 Ian equalised for the Palace a few minutes after coming on to the field , then put us ahead in extra-time for one of the most telling substitutions in the annals of the great competition
11 And manager Joe Kinnear last night reported that John Fashanu was in agony after pulling his hamstring again after coming on as a substitute even though he was ‘ only about 10 per cent fit . ’
12 His cross , just one minute after coming on as substitute , caught Zubizaretta floundering on the ground — but White 's shot was blocked .
13 Newbridge substitute Stuart Griffiths was also sent off for stamping against Pontypridd , just six minutes after coming on .
14 ( Q : which England player once scored a hat trick for Marske United after coming on as a substitute ?
15 Kids ' stuff : Kevin Thomas , Hearts ' 17-year-old debutant , acclaims his goal , scored minutes after coming on at Tynecastle on Saturday .
16 Midfielder Dino Baggio added a second from another corner just before half time and substitute Fabrizio Ravanelli killed off the Portuguese side when he hammered the third shortly after coming on midway through the second half .
17 The pressure of his foot on a wired pad under the stair-carpet has triggered the burglar alarm , which Raymond , amazingly , must have remembered to set after coming in at God knows what hour last night .
18 Racecourse officials and race starter Capt Keith Brown could also face heavy fines after coming in for stiff criticism .
19 Aintree race course officials and National starter , Capt Keith Brown , could also face heavy fines after coming in for stiff criticism .
20 ‘ A hundred years ago they were carried in after coming off their horses , or being knocked clown by carriages .
21 Look , after coming off tour I 've just got no f—ing politics , religion , anything .
22 A beautifully-measured diagonal pass to the wing gave Lennon the chance to lob Bonner , who was caught betwixt and between after coming off his line .
23 A beautifully-measured diagonal pass to the wing gave Lennon the chance to lob Bonner , who was caught betwixt and between after coming off his line .
24 Well I was after coming off and er I was quite used to the rocks you know that type of er station so .
25 IT WAS difficult for small independents to offer services like their Holiday Care system , which offered immediate help to holidaymakers , whatever the problem , like lost baggage or loans to cope with legal problems over cars in Spain , for which customers were given access to a phone numnber until 15 days after coming home .
26 Some people study best for a couple of hours straight after coming home from work or college .
27 But she did n't get a visit for 24 hours after coming home — by which time her problems had worsened .
28 Waugh ( 113 ) and Border ( 86 not out ) put on 168 in 27 overs after coming together at 95 for three .
29 Both came to the Sunday services immediately after coming along to the centre , one of the lads having a belief in Jesus but had never taken the step of repentance and asking Him into his heart , when he did his reaction was to say he felt the chains fall from him and that he believes Jesus has broken his addiction to alcohol .
30 I did n't go back to school after coming out of hospital , I felt that all that potential had gone ; I just stayed at home watching ‘ Rainbow ’ and ‘ Play School ’ .
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