Example sentences of "[prep] what they " in BNC.

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1 It 's difficult to explain , but a part of me never really believed I should see her again , even after what they told me at the theatre .
2 But he did n't want to go to the bloody thing , not after what they 'd done to the poor old man .
3 And the Old Bill came down and found them and nicked us , even after what they 'd said .
4 The news brought back by Colonel Moore after what they had all supposed was no more than the formal punctuation had almost panicked her .
5 They walked on , and after what they reckoned to be another mile they paused again and looked back at Dynmouth .
6 The the blacksmiths made some and they were rather heavier and slightly different proportions , prewar after what they are today .
7 ‘ My dad did , ’ was the reply , ‘ but not after what they gone and done to Margaret Thatcher . ’
8 Police say the man escaped across fields after what they said was a despicable attack .
9 The minority , which could muster only 160 votes against the majority 's 855 , displayed considerable bitterness towards what they said was pressure on them to accept independence , and threats that they would lose their jobs or worse .
10 Instead they would continue to work towards what they had earlier described as ‘ a national consensus on a desirable frame-work for the curriculum ’ in the quest for ‘ improvement in the consistency and quality of school education across the country ’ .
11 In the next part , I describe Buid attitudes towards what they perceive as the intrinsic aggressiveness of their lowland Christian neighbours , before turning to the activity in which the symbolism of tranquillity and aggression receives its greatest elaboration : animal sacrifice .
12 Many regard SunSoft Inc as being the most dogmatic in its approach to the issue — some are worried about the company 's drift towards what they see as proprietary technology .
13 After what seemed an age , Rubber Feet moved off towards what they call the Lavatory Tower ( not what it sounds like ) , Leather Feet must have figured I 'd gone inside the Cath because he pattered off up the steps , which of course meant the end of all hopes of returning to my refuge via the Crypt .
14 Although both candidates were Democrats , Jordan , a former chief of police , epitomized the opposition by white heterosexual conservatives towards what they perceived as the city 's minority-dominated , pro-homosexual culture as symbolized by Agnos , a former social worker .
15 ‘ Would you like to live next door to a Muslim school , ’ he said , ‘ considering what they get up to ? ’
16 The returns from farming were generally poor and land prices were below what they were a few years ago .
17 This has the effect of reducing both public expenditure and the budget deficit below what they would otherwise have been .
18 In fact this difference is not usually of much consequence because in both cases the practical strengths are well below what they ought to be .
19 Well we dredged it , alongside of Cliff Quay , that was twenty eight feet of water at low tide , that was that 's what they guarantee , apart from what they call and then two blasts off , two ships was laying that 'd be at twenty eight feet , then that would rise ten feet below what they call , cos all in metres now .
20 That 's all the more reason why you should not be cutting their budget below what they need for next year .
21 Artists on their travels sometimes write letters which are good value , whether in praise or censure of what they see .
22 He will touch everyone on the raw ’ — while the young would receive it as an account of what they were up to .
23 The four Roman catholic archbishops replied on 28 April that they opposed divorce in general , and particularly the type of what they considered to be unrestricted divorce proposed in the constitutional amendment ( Irish Times , 28 Apr. 1986 ) .
24 In other words , when the New Ireland Forum was being assured by Bishop Daly of the intention of the Roman catholic church in Ireland to support full civil and religious rights for Northern Ireland protestants , the bishops were effectively reserving to themselves , as a body of luminaries with a direct access to the inner structures of social reality , the right to declare what actually constituted a civil and religious liberty or right and they were doing so on the grounds of what they considered good for society .
25 The clergy had informed the people 's conscience on the basis of what they considered to be the essential religious interests of their flock .
26 Many guests visit restaurants with preconceived ideas of what they should eat .
27 I honestly had no idea of what they might be thinking or what to make of it myself .
28 They become quite unconscious of what they are doing for a few seconds , and yet insist that they want to carry on and learn to fly .
29 Some of the forty-three police units now have visibly autocratic chief officers who consistently spell out their public accountability yet pursue very personal perceptions of what they consider to be disorderly and what needs to be controlled , and such constructions of reality generate systems which enforce power differently from force to force .
30 If only she and Michael had more time together , time for her feelings to rise close enough to the surface for her to be sure of what they were .
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