Example sentences of "[prep] all [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Where yer gon na get the money fer all this ?
2 He patted the bulge under his armpit as he continued , ‘ Me , I don ’ go in fer all this kung-fu stuff .
3 I had to put the project aside for a while , he wrote , as the rent had to be paid , not to speak of alimony , school fees and the rest , and , coming back to it after a considerable period , much longer , unfortunately , than I had anticipated , and I will not even try to apologize since you gave me a completely free hand — anyway , he wrote , trying to ignore the damp spots left on the page of his pad by his sweaty hands , anyway , coming back to it after all that time I realized that it would be quite impossible in practice to separate the valuable and the worthless , the public and the private , and that , in a sense , one would have to think in terms of either publishing the whole thing exactly as it stood , or not doing it at all .
4 A simple 3/4in board is an anticlimax after all that architecture , and would ask ‘ Why the fuss ? ’
5 The beer should cheer Santa up after all that milk .
6 ‘ You never had any Yorkshire pudding to line your stomach after all that booze . ’
7 No longer revolutionaries , no longer a just cause — no longer , after all that , a cause at all .
8 It suffered so brutally from war and killing that even after a second time around , in ‘ 39 , after the havoc of Korea , the cut and thrust of Malaysia and Aden , the carnage of the Falklands and the bizarre media-encouraged sand-deaths in the Gulf — even after all that , the terrible word ‘ Gallipoli ’ is burned deep into the very fibre of every soul who was born in Bury , or who had family there .
9 After all that , there 's no better way to wind down than in the Club 's sauna and let the aches and pains flow away .
10 After all that , she 'd been just ‘ Madam ’ for a while , which might have indicated that she was getting older or grander , except that she always looked just the same , never any older .
11 And after all that effort they chose the most obvious candidate — a man with experience of television and the BBC — James Wilkinson .
12 After all that trouble , it really was a shame the end product was such utter rubbish .
13 After all that , the final part is an anticlimax , just a simple up-scroller .
14 ‘ But , like it or not , we were there and involved in it , and looking back the amazing thing for me is I 'm sitting here , breathing , after all that .
15 Yes , you could make music on one but that would be sacrilegious considering all the other exciting possibilities that it has to offer : eg. killing fascists ( Woody Guthrie ) , saying sorry ( Billy Bragg ) , as a firelighter ( Jimi Hendrix ) , for clubbing amplifiers senseless ( Pete Townshend ) , for levelling stage floorboards ( Ritchie Blackmore ) , as a mini-TV stand ( Billy Gibbons ) , to stimulate groupies ( Steve Vai ) , to cream yourself ( Hendrix again , that infamous Tokai advert or even that sad figure in the current Trantec Systems advert ) , as a shop sign ( Original Flying Vee ) , as a cricket bat ( Ian Botham with the Staccato magnesium bass ) , as a baseball bat ( Steinberger XL ) , you could use one to kill her mama ( like Frank and Dweezil ) and , if you are still bored after all that , you could electrocute yourself with it through your dangerously hot-rodded stack .
16 After all that , it was empty .
17 If we could n't get our act together after all that , then we were never going to .
18 Nut roasts can be a tasty change after all that turkey , and the natural oils make for moist cakes .
19 There was no need for a gong in their household , Lilly Foley said that Holy Mother Church looked after all that for them .
20 Not going to put up with that , I was n't , not after all that service .
21 After all that , remember one thing : the faster you can run , the more likely you are to escape .
22 And even after all that , the best Mr Major could do with his 21-seat majority and the support of the Liberal Democrats was to scrape home by three measly votes .
23 ‘ It was marvellous after all that time watching and waiting .
24 Feeling flabby after all that festive food ?
25 If you feel like bopping after all that , the disco starts at 11pm so you can dance the night away .
26 She said : ‘ I have to do something normal after all that excitement . ’
27 After all that , one of the arms fell off recently , reminding me of the time the same thing happened during a recording of Give Us A Clue .
28 You probably would n't be able to finish your pizza after all that , either .
29 With the girl 's clothes we should be able to trace her back at least to the point at which she was dropped during the night — or I hope so , after all that rain .
30 One would think that , after all that time , a movement that really desired increased pensions and had failed , would have changed its tactics … the stronger a movement becomes ‘ institutionally ’ the weaker it becomes as an instrument for the benefit of the people .
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