Example sentences of "[prep] if some " in BNC.

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1 It was as if some artistic giant at the making of the world had arranged it — with the perfect placing of Buda Hill in a curve of the Danube on an otherwise flat landscape .
2 It was as if some authoritative being had decided that from that moment the names that had applied to such objects as soap , cheese , tree or book were to be exchanged for others , and all signs of delight registered by temper tantrums .
3 Mr Fallon , known as the man who described the TV series Neighbours as ‘ junk ’ , has a look of stoic resignation , almost as if some injustice has occurred , while his wife registers a wary but altogether more wistful expression .
4 It 's almost as if some teachers hold the belief that the best parents are those that are docile and ignorant about the school , leaving the professionals to get on with the job .
5 Two men kissing to music under the stars … or Little David , the barman , would bring out his famous white gauze and feather fans and send them gliding across his sweating chest and face ( you do n't see this any more these days ) — as if the secret thoughts that were normally hidden behind that odd smile in his eyes had escaped and taken flight ; as if , I used to think , it was magic , as if some oddly attractive boy had unbuttoned his flies for you and brought out not a fat red cock but a blinking , blinded , delicate , fluttering magician 's dove , releasing it into the roof of the dark theatre to fly crazily over your astonished head … and above all this was that ceiling of shining stars .
6 It was as if some giant electrician was just rehearsing effects in the sky .
7 But I just lay there , rigid , as if some wizard was standing over me with his arm raised holding a black wand and declaiming , Robina Marquis you are turned to marble .
8 For one thing she was very proud of her , for another when she talked about her lovely sister and her exciting life she felt as if some of the glamour rubbed off onto her .
9 In that instant it was as if some dam erected long ago around his heart had been breached .
10 It was as if some part of Martin had Passed into him .
11 Also an enlargement of the pituitary gland is clearly correlated with large size , almost as if some kind of hormonal imbalance occurred .
12 Otherwise it 's as if there 's a monster on the mountain , no , as if some dark being haunts us both .
13 It really seems as if some drivers fall prey to a death wish when freezing fog descends .
14 It seemed as if some supernatural force was intent on operating the branch .
15 Yet the image had addressed Jaq as if some outside force had been able to intervene in his holy trance through the agency of that Discordia card , hacking into the pack .
16 In these scenes where characters attempt to break out of their proper medium , the audience or reader should feel a sense of impropriety or disorder , as if some basic law were being denied .
17 With her schooldays behind her , Diana felt as if some great weight had been lifted from her shoulders .
18 There is a hollow boom of surf as if some massive object has just been chucked into the sea .
19 The Vaughan Williams has a more open sound , as if some absorption has been removed to brighten the tone .
20 It was as if some queer shyness had seized him .
21 In this respect it looks as if some Latin American leaders and regimes may understand better what is needed than the more formal and even ossified democracies of the West .
22 It is certainly true that some of the processes associated with standardization ( on which see Haugen , 1972 ; Leith , 1980 ; J. Milroy and L. Milroy , 1985a ) were well under way around 1600 ( elaboration of function , use of a supra-regional writing system ) , but it looks as if some of them were still at the stage of being localized developments associated with the establishment of consensus on local norms , and this applies particularly to pronunciation , which is the level of language that is least uniform .
23 It was as if some great mass of thunder-cloud was driving up and up , and darkening the sky before it broke into wind and storm and rain ; except that the night was clear and the only movement was the slight rustle of the branches above , silvered against the stars by the moon 's bright light .
24 It was as if some gigantic cork was being used to plug her like a bottle of rare wine .
25 They had driven to the edge of the city , into the brittle mauve of dusk , lights starting up in buildings everywhere as if some vast signal beacon were slowly igniting .
26 The surface was constantly moving , as if some unseen force were continually hurling large rocks into the water at the quayside .
27 Steam rose here and there , not in puffy , damp , friendly clouds as if a kettle was boiling , but in hissing , angry spurts , as if some unseen being was venting its spleen .
28 Yet , as if some kind of mathematical progression took hold of him , Johnson 's accounts of the several places in which he found himself , get longer , with Raasay the longest so far .
29 " It was as if some Technicolour epic of Cecil B. De Milles was being projected on to the screen of the vast plain . "
30 Somewhere in the far regions of her mind a voice was screaming warnings , but she closed her ears to it , as if some insidious substance in the night air had rendered her brain oblivious to reason .
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