Example sentences of "[prep] if to make " in BNC.

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1 And as if to make amends for the rapacity of his Victorian forebears and their employers , he re-discovered species — notably the holly fern — long thought extinct in Snowdonia .
2 And just as they were about to leave , as if to make a grand exit of it , O kissed Boy again , very publicly .
3 Joey did n't recognise his cousin at first , and kept peering along as if to make sure .
4 as if to make this quite clear , the other charity guest that night was Vicky , a career spinster with beefy-jerky skin and a mouth as tensely muscled as an anus .
5 Within minutes Hannah was alongside the aircraft examining it closely , and touching it with her fingertips , as if to make sure it was real .
6 as if to make up for the early deaths of her sisters , she lived to a ripe old age , dying in the Almshouses at Dorking on 4 November 1855 , aged eighty-seven .
7 This particular interpretation of the word ‘ object ’ was invented as if to make it virtually some sort of fetish , serving as a basis for an entire movement ; and that is what is interesting : found objects , this object , that object .
8 as if to make the point , the first published report put forward proposals to abolish certain obsolete criminal offences ; the Commission 's recommendations being implemented in the Criminal Law Act 1967 .
9 He said nothing more for a while , leaving Ellie to stand waiting his instructions as he walked slowly round the room , as if to make sure nothing else had been violated .
10 The few successes on the UK OTC market are always quoted as if to make up for the failures .
11 It is a commonplace observation that if we lose a night 's sleep we tend to sleep a bit longer on subsequent nights , as if to make up a " sleep debt " .
12 She was probably raped first as she had a horrible wound in the abdomen , undoubtedly caused by a grenade , as if to make an examination impossible .
13 On Lan 's other side Tam shot an accusing look at Kim from time to time as if to make unmistakably clear to his father that he had done everything possible to dissuade Kim from his folly .
14 His eyes lingered a dry moment on mine , as if to make sure I took the implicit compliment ; and then , as if to limit it , he turned out the lamp .
15 as if to make up for this , in the fourth year the number of teacher-days shot up to 1,254 , an amount of time exceeded only by courses devoted to specific professional roles .
16 ‘ Well , ’ said Caspar , and then glanced over his shoulder as if to make sure no one was listening , ‘ well , the truth of it is , that I work for the Gruagach .
17 She leant forward in her chair as if to make the facts clearer , cool and in control , as if reading from autoscript in the studio .
18 Marcus sipped his pint as if to make sure .
19 Before they parted it seemed to Sophia that he was trying to draw Ianthe aside , as if to make an assignation with her , but she gave him so little encouragement , indeed seemed almost to avoid him , that he had to be content with looking forward to the doubtful pleasure of meeting the whole party the next evening after dinner at the Trevi fountain .
20 Then he took his hands from the organ and looked all over the keyboard as if to make quite sure that all the keys and stops were there .
21 He looked around as if to make sure Agrippa or any other spy was not lurking in the hedgerow , and shook his head in contradiction .
22 As he raised his glass , Major Morton raised his also , as if to make a toast .
23 He pressed kisses possessively over her face again as if to make sure she was still his .
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