Example sentences of "[prep] if they " in BNC.

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31 The members of Gothic Voices ( on this occasion five , of whom two were singing with the group for the first time ) sing these melodies — often complex and wide-ranging — as if they really love them ; sensitive to the ebb and flow of the text , they nurture unexpected melodic twists , always allowing the structure to unfold and mould .
32 In a report , Rental Purchase : The Case for Change , the housing pressure group says that people buying properties on rental purchase schemes — common in the north of England for cheaper property — should be protected as if they were assured tenants under the Housing Act 1988 , and landlords should be responsible for all repairs .
33 THE VERY first line of Edward Albee 's Who 's Afraid of Virginia Woolf ? - ‘ What a dump ! ’ — is spoken by the play 's feminine protagonist in a parody of the classic Bette Davis manner : an ( imaginary ) cigarette held imperiously at eye-level , eyes blazing like the headlamps of an automobile , bee-sting lips enunciating each word ( including the ‘ a ’ ) for absolutely maximum effect , almost as if they had been snipped out of a newspaper headline by a writer of anonymous letters .
34 as if they were stuck in the 1950s , the civil servants could see no way in which consumer , environmentalist or the broader public interest could be represented .
35 But the men look , refreshingly , as if they have spent years away from the studio mirror .
36 Surely it is time we stopped talking of elephants as if they were a commodity to be traded , like so many cans of paint , and accept them for what they are , ancient and splendid fellow inhabitants of the earth who share with us the joys of close kinship bonds and grieve when they are severed .
37 Most companies have a lackadaisical approach to recruitment — as if they 're doing us a great favour . ’
38 ‘ The clubs have that much power over players it 's as if they own them , and this is n't good for the game in the North .
39 The term ‘ gouger ’ is flexible in that it refers to known criminals as well as others who look or act as if they have a potential for crime and trouble .
40 Because the typification is very inclusive , covering known criminals and people who look as if they might be , it gets its meaning partly from practical experience of people who typically commit crime in Easton , but also from prejudices that derive from middleclass notions of respectability .
41 In the third place peasant correspondents in particular looked as if they would be a useful source of information for the central authorities on dissatisfaction in the countryside and on the rising influence of peasant types not in favour with the party .
42 I notice that the federation talks about crime , about law and order and the breakdown of law and order as if they were single things .
43 As such it was duly added to the membership roll of the contraption known as the United Nations , which asserts that all nations are equal ( albeit some more so than others ) , with one vote each , just as if they were individual human beings in a right-little tight-little democratic State .
44 Frazer also mentions a sanctuary whose mephitic area contains only ‘ the eunuch priests of the Great Mother Goddess ’ , who have ‘ a look on their faces as if they were being choked ’ .
45 I never would have credited that people would talk about these illusions as if they 'd really taken place . ’
46 Most are known by name and some are greeted as if they stood before us .
47 Hyam also deplores the recent ‘ willingness of Third World governments to adopt the peculiar Purity laws and conventions of Britain in the 1880s as if they represented ultimate truths about human civilisation ’ .
48 Moran was neither rich nor poor but his hatred and fear of poverty was as fierce as his fear of illness which meant that he would never be poor but that he and all around him would live as if they were paupers .
49 The belligerence of their message and the violence of their appeal to negation and revolt is now passed over in silence and their works appear as if they were blank sheets to the privileged audiences of the present day .
50 We have seen a shift from the utopianism of the 1960s to a culture of nostalgia and , as with the more dystopian elements in postmodernism , the exhibition and the books which accompany it look backward in a search for appearances as if they were compensatory fantasies substituting for a forgotten dream .
51 As a result , the coupe 's front and rear look rather as if they were designed by different committees .
52 The men in the group will have to cope with this sudden change of plan as if they had known about it all along .
53 as if they were doing a bizarre dance , followed by Marx , Herr Nordern backed through the tiny vestibule , into the sitting-room , and a silent , apprehensive circle of Norderns .
54 But Patsy and Tim wanted a few simple cupboards painted white , made to look as if they 'd always been there .
55 It makes all the shoppers feel as if they could live in the style of Jane Austen .
56 Genesis is exhilarating and exuberant orthodox big-band music of a kind rarely played with such punch any more and the sharpness of the CD enhances the brash , headlong momentum of it — Tracey 's orchestras always sound as if they are going to work with the elan of Saturday night at the Savoy ballroom .
57 Old feuds of race were diminishing , rivalries and prejudices were by degrees fading out.Such frequent and such intimate relations had thus been established between nations , that it seemed as if they must soon unite in one family , in one single federal state .
58 They lean back until they look as if they are about to fall over , so that they can look around them , and perhaps check who 's behind their back .
59 When his wife ( Pat Heywood ) meets him at John o' Groats , they do not speak at all or , if they do , we can not hear them as if they were already far away .
60 Favourites look as if they will have a good run at Catterick with Royal Greek , Black Spur , James Joy and Pyjamas in particular .
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