Example sentences of "[prep] if [vb pp] " in BNC.

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31 The Lord Chancellor 's Practice Direction of 17 March 1987 provides that clear photographic copies ( of all documents ) will be accepted as if printed or typed .
32 The fingers were clamped solid as if sewn into the material .
33 He does this by moving away from the shoal of fry and then thrashing about in the water as if injured .
34 The skylight in the ceiling looked as if covered by a dark purple cloth .
35 Even now I 'm struggling to stop myself going for a jaunt around the room though I know this will inevitably lead to me lying on my bed or sitting on the floor in a mesmerised , trancelike way and staring into nothingness as if stoned .
36 standing stiffly as if boxed by shadow :
37 The smallest of the British gulls , it lay dead in the snow , pale grey and white plumage , grey cheek patch , greenish bill , short black legs ; quite frozen and in near-perfect condition — as if stored in an open air deep-freeze .
38 Each phrase followed on from the next as if stored for an age and waiting to be spoken in just this way .
39 The advantage of the method of analysis suggested here is that these international influences are not treated as isolated and exogenous instances , as if operated by deus ex machina , but are explicable and connected within the context of the workings of the world economic system .
40 At that moment , emerging from the saloon below as if propelled from a circus cannon , there appeared a distinctly grotesque figure .
41 My jaw hurt , my teeth were locked in an instinctive bite , and when released they chattered as if propelled by clockwork .
42 The words came out as if propelled irresistibly from a well of compressed emotion .
43 He studied her for several seconds , as if baffled .
44 He was black , too , as if coated with a layer of paint .
45 He turned , looking at the child , seeing how the boy 's chest now rose and fell gently , as if soothed by his voice , then turned back , smiling , beginning to mop up the spill .
46 He was in black — a thick high-necked sweater and , she noticed when he got up and came round the side of the desk , a pair of black corduroys that moulded his thighs as if tailored specially for him , as indeed they probably had been .
47 I looked slowly in that direction , as if instructed .
48 They walked to the lake where there were two pairs of ducks , mallards with feathers as if painted in iridescent green , and from which a heron rose on gaunt wings , its legs dangling .
49 According to David Hume , Locke was not alone in thinking that visual perception involves something two-dimensional : ‘ It is commonly allowed by philosophers that all bodies which discover themselves to the eye appear as if painted on a plain surface . ’
50 This triggers chemical changes in your body , which reacts as if threatened by a foreign substance .
51 Where it had covered Forster 's face , his neck , chin , mouth , nose and one cheek , the skin and lips had gone , as if etched away by acid .
52 The fixed duration , the stereotypy , of the growth phase , makes it possible for particular things to happen at particular times during embryonic development , as if governed by a strictly observed calendar .
53 My hand sprang away as if electrified .
54 All at once , I sat up as if electrified , for we had driven into a large corrugated iron compound , and there were British soldiers everywhere !
55 According to his biographer , Henry Bordeaux , even when he landed he remained in a trance ‘ as if electrified by the fluid still passing through his frame ’ Though through so many dogfights he seemed to bear a charmed life , this kind of nervous impulsiveness seemed bound to lead to disaster .
56 Twist our arms and we 'll plump for his brilliantly-executed diatribe against the somewhat larger rock acts currently doing the rounds : ‘ Gim me something small and poisonous , with teeth , born out of the gutter , ’ oozed The Ig , eyes bulging as if strapped to the electric chair .
57 There were heads hanging from branches in these places , which gleamed as if oiled .
58 Every white hair seemed visible on the pink , painted skin , as if brushed in separately , and you could see the grainy texture of the nose .
59 Her face looked rough-hewn , as if carved from a cliff .
60 Behind them , as if carved in stone , were their two secretaries , Cosmas and Damien , who sat pulling their horses ' reins , eyes fixed intently on Mandeville .
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