Example sentences of "[prep] his being " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , a ship was sent to America so that the story could be checked and in 1810 , three years after his being cast away on Sombrero , Jeffrey returned at last and set foot in Portsmouth .
2 I think it is absolutely plain that there is no possibility , that any local authority wherever Paul were living would find it possible to that he should cease to be a statement in child , it is quite clear , I think , that he is bound to remain a child with a statement of special educational needs , in those circumstances any local authority would have the statutory duty to provide for his education , either at or somewhere else and in practice it seems to me there is no reasonable possibility of his being moved from after he has spent , will it be probably more than four years there perhaps five years there , that I think is not a possibility which has to be catered for .
3 The male sex drive being what it is , the chances of his being able to stop are less perhaps than she realizes .
4 In actual fact , that car of his being light , I mean a front wheel drive will probably be able to and being light probably be better served for getting out of difficult situations than the other cars .
5 You go through all sorts of situations and circumstances but there is a peace and an equilibrium it was n't just on the surface , it was right to the very depths of his being the whole being .
6 It is clear the event has Wilson in its grip , despite his being associated with it for only two years .
7 She was glad he liked Middy despite his being a bloody nuisance at times .
8 At a graduation ceremony from the school , on Tuesday , May 31 , 1949 , Leonard was chosen to offer , in Hebrew , the opening prayer ( the fate of his being a Cohen ! ) and take part in a short presentation entitled , ‘ What Is Torah ? ’ which went down extremely well .
9 Would it have been more honourable for Prothero to let Pound go on submitting , when there was no hope of his being accepted ?
10 But in Eliot 's earlier sentences we have been told of Pound 's serving not ‘ art ’ , but artists ; of his being concerned that they should each realize his or her full potential , so that the level of accomplishment ( in ‘ letters ’ as well as ‘ art ’ ) should be raised all round .
11 He it was who received the soubriquet of ‘ The Upright Judge' ’ , on the occasion of his being turned out of office by Edward IV , because of his scrupulous fairness at the trial of Sir Thomas Coke , Lord Mayor of London . ’
12 The whole point of his being there was because of his condition .
13 There was little chance of his being hit , but he slipped deliberately , pitching forward , striking the ground with his shoulder and rolling fast for the ravine where he 'd hidden the first gun .
14 Then what have you to say to my argument , which is that by not going off the rails , man is destined to live meanly and dully , and in that way corrupts the true purpose of his being on earth ?
15 For Alfred Watkins , it was not a sudden flash of inspiration from the beyond but something which had been building up within the deeper levels of his being throughout a lifetime of contact with his native countryside .
16 In spite of his being so serious .
17 If the batsman seeks to score behind the wicket off a full length ball which is in the channel , he must hit ‘ across the line of the delivery , ’ minimise his chances of making contact and increase the risk of his being bowled or dismissed lbw .
18 At that point the creditor could still refuse to have the man released from prison and insist of his being kept there , so long as he paid him a groat a day .
19 Wearying though the journey had been at the time — even humiliating in respect of his being drawn in a litter — in retrospect it seemed full of excitement , a time when one knew not what would happen next or what lay around the next corner .
20 Benny had heard that they had sent to Dublin and maybe even Rome for him to have a dispensation , and it was n't a question of his being a sinner or outside the Church or anything .
21 The thing that made Lee Marvin such a perfect rogue is that , despite all the stories of his being drunk on the set and causing producers to have palpitations , there is probably no single director or actor who worked with him who did n't think the world of him .
22 The hero in this song is pleading with his girlfriend to go with him , to love him in spite of his being poor and having nothing to offer .
23 Simultaneously his senses scrutinised that vault , every grim shadow of which was luminous to him , pierced by a light of purity which Rogal Dorn focused through the lens of his being
24 The Substitute had refused the chair offered to him , choosing instead to wander about the room , taking brief puffs on his cigar and regarding everything and everyone with an amused detachment that gave the impression of his being mildly surprised but pleased at having to perform the office of Public Prosecutor .
25 ‘ Well , I could come all over bitter and say that 's very noble and gallant of the President , especially as there 's no chance of his being blown out of his seat in the Oval Office when this little lot goes up , but I wo n't .
26 He looked for fulfilment in the complete dedication of his being to the vocation which pushed him irresistibly towards painting and painting with joy .
27 The accomplice becomes an enemy , and in due course a victim , at which point he can only salute the irony of his being executed on All Souls , Day : ‘ This is the day wherein I wished to fall/By the false faith of him whom most I trusted ’ ( V.i .
28 In the modern age he is expected to lead and the people look to him for solutions to their problems , but the chances of his being allowed to do what he needs to do are negligible .
29 As well as this , the insider must hold that information by virtue of his being connected with the company or the related company .
30 What 's more , the girl in question was the Spanish girl who 'd been the cause of his being sacked by the Shakespeare School .
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