Example sentences of "[prep] we take " in BNC.

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1 This publication manages to pack into its few pages masses of useful information for those with allergies who have to pick their way through foods the rest of us take for granted .
2 Having a comfortable bed to sleep in is a luxury that most of us take for granted .
3 Crossing a busy road is the biggest risk that most of us take in our daily lives , travel gives the opportunity to see how we cope with the unknown .
4 The constant exposure to doom and gloom that most of us take for granted can be a source of hidden stress — if you have real problems to contend with you do not need this extra mental burden .
5 ‘ None of us take the music biz too seriously .
6 Even categories such as time and number , which many of us take as reflecting basic aspects of experience , are only optionally indicated in some Asian languages such as Chinese and Vietnamese .
7 ( Many of us take a few days off a year due to PMS , but about one in five women takes a fortnight or more ) .
8 ‘ That 's because Travis favours our father , while the rest of us take after our mother , ’ Drew explained .
9 Most of us take for granted food packaging and the convenience it offers to modern life .
10 The successful environmental policy , at a reasonable cost , does involve all of us participating and all of us taking part in it .
11 Eight of us took our places in the small but crowded cinema .
12 So four of us took our stirrup pumps and torches and picked our way through what was a minefield .
13 Manhandling the aeroplane down the slipway on an old flat-bed trolley , five of us took just twenty minutes to get the big beast bobbing happily on the briny .
14 Perhaps Ted told Jean of the walks the four of us took when Eva got tired of working ; and the time Eva 's feet hurt and she hailed a cab — absolute Roman decadence for Dad , Ted and me .
15 Most of us took the easy way out and accepted a helicopter ride back to Kleine Scheidegg , but Drummond and eight others stayed on top for an all-night vigil .
16 Because we knew that the headmaster of the Scuola Medie Inferiori , where I was now in my last year , was not in a position to punish us if we did not appear for lessons on demonstration days , many of us took part only for a short time and then went home .
17 a couple of us took it on .
18 Unfortunately , we had just missed the 1400 steam departure from Butterley but most of us took the footpath to Swanwick Junction , the main museum site , to view the many and varied locomotives and other items that spanned a large period of railway history .
19 This interweaving of pre-Christian , reformation and contemporary religions gives Lewis its unique flavour and an opportunity for a lot of us to take stock of all that is slowly being eroded in our own cultures .
20 It would be good for each of us to take time this week to thank God for the work of world mission that was revived in 1792 through the effort of William Carey and those around him .
21 Aha Well they 'll be asking the rest of us to take a cut in salary soon .
22 It 's quite hard work for some of us to take this seriously , but that may be because we are not very good at loving ourselves or trusting life .
23 Its effects are far reaching and require a proactive response from industry — all during a time of change in Europe when the barriers are coming down , the single market is open for trade and it is up to all of us to take advantage of it .
24 This hectic rate of change and development is forcing all of us to take media more seriously than ever before .
25 It is , however , all too easy for any of us to take the Students ' Association for granted .
26 Both of us taken down to hospital in a kind of litter — there were no cars in Simla , only rickshaws .
27 There are no hordes that have rushed past us to take up the torch . ’
28 The manager replied it was cleaned out that morning , and came with us to take another look .
29 I think it 's do with us taking over the foot the footpaths is n't it ?
30 In many cases this invisible emptiness inside us takes visible form .
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