Example sentences of "[prep] they [be] " in BNC.

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1 The best thing about them is their smell .
2 What is notable about them is not that they are black , but that they do not have dogs .
3 It is , of course , very easy to pay too much attention to the famous names in Nonconformity , partially because of their importance , partially because information about them is more readily available and partially because they tended to be more involved in politics .
4 The point about them is that , uniquely in the Province , they are both Unionist and resolutely non-sectarian .
5 One of the nice things about them is that they are situated in one of the quieter areas between Palma Nova and Magalluf , but it is only a short walk to the beaches and nightlife of both resorts .
6 I have not seen Brian Way for a few years now , since he went to work in America , but if he is continually developing his philosophy and practice at the rate Dorothy Heathcote is refining hers , then there is the added danger that anything written about them is out of date as it leaves the press .
7 There are good habits and bad habits but the main point about them is that they are all behaviour patterns which have been so thoroughly learned that they are done automatically without any conscious effort .
8 The most important thing to know about them is that they work synergistically with minerals : that is they enhance each other , adding up to more than the individual sum of their parts .
9 Their turnover rate is somewhat slower than undergravels and what could be worrying about them is their ability to deal with sudden surges in load .
10 The LP has just confirmed the fact that the most interesting thing about them is their hard-earned reputation as the hell-raising punks that everyone loves to hate .
11 Everything about them is traditional : bluesy licks , Whitfield Crane 's sneering vocals , lyrics about being the devil , a bum , or a mixed-up kid .
12 After the heights scaled in that quarter-final , Ireland plunged to six feet under in this match proving , in the course of the game , that the only predictable thing about them is their unpredictability .
13 What you can do about them is another matter which we shall deal with .
14 Knowing word length and word shape is effective in reducing the number of possible words ( Sinha , 1990 ) ; we need to know how useful information about them is when it is only approximate and uncertain .
15 Everything about them is significant .
16 LA 's L7 are natural performers ; nothing about them is fake , so when Donita rocks out and grapples with her ‘ axe ’ during ‘ Wargasm ’ it does n't look misplaced or ludicrous .
17 What is sociologically interesting about them is the assumptions that underlie what they say about themselves , and what image they are trying to project .
18 What to do about them is one of the biggest practical obstacles to the creation of truly wild reserves in Scotland .
19 First thing to be said about them is that they 're all proteins covering a very wide range of molecular weights between three and three hundred kilobocals three thousand to three hundred thousand bocals .
20 Perhaps the most important thing to be remarked about them is that their numbers are very small and that almost all of them are men .
21 What is interesting about them is that while the development corporations acquired powers that gave them a great deal of autonomy within their own territories , there is today a variety of questions to be raised about the extent to which their ‘ success ’ was secured at the expense of other policies to which they ‘ ought ’ to have related .
22 What makes you nervous about them is that when you go to dinner with them , they pump up the chair .
23 Employees of outside contractors sometimes work on nuclear sites , and information about them is not held on nuclear industry 's employee databases .
24 I said , the vilest thing about them is that they can say that with a smile on their faces .
25 The man who told me about them is not afraid because he can do more harm to them than they can inflict on him . ’
26 Class teachers are the main category of professionals involved in the education of children , and more detailed information about them is given in the next section .
27 ‘ All I can say about them is that they were a real joy , ’ Bill Pertwee remembers .
28 Something left undealt with is invariably going to recur and cause trouble in the future — things do n't just go away because the possibility to talk about them is n't there . ’
29 The best thing about them is that you can personalise your gifts .
30 I tell you what you can find out about them is
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