Example sentences of "[prep] he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If the first furrow was straight , example and actual guidance helped to persuade the ploughman who followed after him to draw the other furrows in the stetch in like manner : if the first furrow was bent nothing could prevent the others from being less than perfect also .
2 She felt bad and ran after him to part with twopence , and he swore at her again .
3 I went after him to ask him what his problem was — and we squared up to each other like something out of High Noon .
4 After him came two men in yellow raincoats with their hands behind their backs , and then two other men in white with guns .
5 After him came Murtach , who seemed to be leading the patrol ; then Ratagan , Riven and Isay , and the other seven Hearthwares with the mules .
6 Bicker led , and after him came Ratagan and Riven , Isay and Luib , then Tagan and Rimir and finally Darmid and Corrary leading the pack mules .
7 After him came more chiefs and then banners and icons of the two principal churches which had sent their Arks to be present at the battle .
8 After him came poor old Richard Whitting , who was abbot when Cromwell sent his agents in .
9 She hurried after him to apologise , but when she got to the salon he was not there .
10 The child 's welfare is paramount and must be considered in the broad context of his physical , emotional and educational needs , his age , sex and background and the capacity of those who look after him to care adequately .
11 I should have known though , should n't I ? — After him nicking them chocolate flakes , them crisps .
12 The poor duck must have crawled all that way , a hundred metres or more to that second patch of light ; our bright idea of putting the branches down after him to cover him up was pointless ; for all these years it would only have needed some more kids to have come along with torches or bits of burning paper to discover the body .
13 [ FS and Start have a disagreement on GBP 65000 after him signing Leeds ] . ’
14 She stared after him feeling somewhat breathless .
15 This memorandum , issued by the physician superintendent of Neasden Hospital , London , to all his medical officers over 25 years ago , attracted widespread opprobrium from the UK national press and the chronologically correct if sexist response from the British Medical Journal that ‘ every patient whatever his age or his disease should be resuscitated unless the doctor looking after him has no doubt at all that he should be allowed to rest in peace ’ .
16 Daphne Rye , the top casting director , looked after him following his demob and in 1948 ushered him into the West End in a literary play — from a book by Elizabeth Bowen — Castle Anna , which Daphne herself directed .
17 Aside from the fact that she regarded Travis as a friend too , there was her unspoken promise to Rosemary that she would look after him to consider .
18 Other members of MI5 that looked after him included Colonel George Hartland , Michael Wilmont , Peter Haylor , Captain Charles MacNott , and a clerk , Rose Prince .
19 A suspected burglar is on the run after he escaped from police by jumping through a court room window .
20 A suspected burglar is on the run after he escaped from police by jumping through a court room window .
21 What 'e did ter my dad after 'im workin' fer the man all those years was enough , apart from anyfing else . ’
22 A successful dealer sitting opposite him looked up : " Yes " , he said .
23 Stars who have won Oscars opposite him include Barbara Stanwyck in Sorry , Wrong Number ( 1948 ) , Shirley Booth in Come Back , Little Sheba ( 1952 ) , Frank Sinatra and Donna Reed in From Here to Eternity ( 1953 ) , Anna Magnani in The Rose Tattoo ( 1955 ) and David Niven and Wendy Hiller in Separate Tables ( 1958 ) , which Lancaster also produced .
24 He would have to be blind not to have noticed that something in Cora-Beth 's manner towards him had changed ; that the looks she sometimes gave him were no longer open and friendly but questioning , as if she expected , or was hoping for , something more .
25 She tried to move away , disturbed by the realisation that her feelings towards him had undergone a subtle change even though she could n't quite define it .
26 The social worker might hold that the client 's general conduct towards him indicated that she would not object to this action ( implied consent ) ; that he carried out the act in good faith as to its consolatory and therapeutic implication ; or ( perhaps less validly ) that the relationship was sufficiently close to allow a gesture of endearment without sexual implication or threatening content .
27 A soft dog would cower , perhaps holding his foot up to let you know that he has been hurt and even if you move towards him to apologize , he will move away with a worried expression .
28 The theatrical man occasionally glanced towards him looking for an opening ; but he did n't let himself be drawn in .
29 ‘ 'Morning , ’ he said cheerfully , as she walked towards him to take the proffered bottle .
30 Instead his hands were eagerly outstretched , and she moved towards him knowing that life could hold no greater happiness than this .
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